I find this interesting actually he came across a bit arrogant but that could just be me...I am not one to take up offense for it's as if one expects the other whom brought the offense to be poisoned by the poison you metaphorically drink...It's a trap to be offended, to be upset yes but to hang onto being that way is poison (I know from first hand experience) Personally (and painfully) I've relized what makes human kind so much like God's creation is their ability to be rational and to think, to reason...
I find humans fascinating complex and wonderful all by the same token...
In my experience it isn't by happen stance that we are all so wonderfully broken, and yet so wonderfully kind...It takes a divine being to create folks so varied and so unique in my opinion...and I wouldn't take away anyone's right to believe the way they see fit, I'd actually defend it...
In the bible it says 'if at all possible be a peace with all men' meaning character what one does when no one is watching...I have found strength in my faith, and make no bones about where I stand as far as being a Christian but I've been told even by those here that I am unlike any Christian they have ever come across...
That is how it should be, we should be individuals and unique and ourselves and respect human life and views...I respectfully agree to disagree but that dose not mean I'm going to hold a freaking grudge hey let's go get some lunch
I have a feeling having lunch with some of you all here would rock...but that's because God made auties cool beans