Thanks guys!

I didn't want to be involved in any more nasty interwebz bizness!
The truth is i was getting a bit moody and bad tempered

and i should not let the interwebz change my mood in real life! Had to be a happy bunny for the urchin. I helped out with the xmas play at school and he was Prince Charming. It was cool, but a stage full of four year olds requires an even temper!

I am in court tomorrow (on my birthday) for a speeding ticket! You see when the boy's Dad is here we both use his peugeot which is the car in question. I don't know if it was me or him driving that day! I asked to see the photo's but they wouldn't send them so we are both turning upto court (well he had better!) and saying we don't know which one of us was driving that day. I am hoping the pictures will be blurred and they wont be able to tell either! They will have to be pretty damn blurred though as i have hair like a banshee and he has a shaved head! Anyway fingers crossed and all was only a 36mph in a 30mph ffs!
I am gonna play the 'blonde card'

and turn up in a dizzy dippy outfit and hope they don't put points on my licence on my birthday

But yeah, after i got that out the way i will be posting more again. It's like i am being pulled back in....

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I am a couger in a few hours!