
Author Topic: Disturbing things about human nature that you probably never heard of  (Read 2545 times)

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Re: Disturbing things about human nature that you probably never heard of
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2011, 02:01:33 PM »
I had hear of these before but knew that people were fucked up long before I did which is one of the reasons I like to avoid them when I can.  The bystander one is tricky I stopped and tried to help a guy who was bleeding pretty bad from cuts his face once in college when he began attacking the car I was in and screaming at us.  That dampened my willingness to help people at times unless they look harmless.

Even then it's iffy. Old guy used to thumb a ride down the road from us all the time, harmless-looking, 70 something, grandfatherly type.

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Offline renaeden

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Re: Disturbing things about human nature that you probably never heard of
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2011, 01:05:12 AM »
^This reminds me of when I was in the city with a friend and a group of people walked up to us. One of them asked me for a dollar to help with bus fare. So I got my wallet out and opened it. About four of them pounced on me and tried to get my wallet off me but they couldn't. I was forced down on the ground and hurt my knee pretty badly. But I kind of rolled onto my back and started kicking out at them so they gave up and left.

I asked my friend afterwards why didn't she help me and she said she thought I was messing around. ::) Why would I mess around with people I had never seen before? Anyway since then I tend not to give any money to people who ask for it. I just say I don't have any.
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Offline "couldbecousin"

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^This reminds me of when I was in the city with a friend and a group of people walked up to us. One of them asked me for a dollar to help with bus fare. So I got my wallet out and opened it. About four of them pounced on me and tried to get my wallet off me but they couldn't. I was forced down on the ground and hurt my knee pretty badly. But I kind of rolled onto my back and started kicking out at them so they gave up and left.

I asked my friend afterwards why didn't she help me and she said she thought I was messing around. ::) Why would I mess around with people I had never seen before? Anyway since then I tend not to give any money to people who ask for it. I just say I don't have any.

    :plus:   for kicking the scumbags away from you!  I have the same reason for not wanting to open my purse.
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Offline McGiver

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Ordinary people will do fucked up things when fucked up things become ordinary.

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Ordinary people will do fucked up things when fucked up things become ordinary.

Good one  :plus:
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Offline Calavera

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Oh, wow, this thread was started like a year ago or so. Now that I'm majoring in Psychology, I feel like such an amateur the way I posted the OP.

Offline Jack

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No, it's a good thread, says the amateur.

Edit: My posts are all ones.

Offline McGiver

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Oh, wow, this thread was started like a year ago or so. Now that I'm majoring in Psychology, I feel like such an amateur the way I posted the OP.
if you posted all uppity and shit it would have Ben a lonely thread....and shit.

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