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Mass exodus?

<< < (2/55) > >>

Yeah I hope so too

CG for personal issue. Hopefully be back though.




--- Quote from: Adam on November 18, 2011, 08:53:27 PM ---Yeah I saw you were just leaving for a bit when you posted your thread, which is much better than leaving forever because forever is a long time!

shame eris isnt coming back too though. She is cool too.

--- End quote ---

If I decide to leave forever , I'll take a few days to decide that.  :P
and yes Eris isn't coming back unfortunately.  :(

--- Quote from: Butterflies on November 18, 2011, 08:53:52 PM ---Jack says she is leaving, but hopefully she'll change her mind.

--- End quote ---

I hope she changes her mind.  :-\

also Omg Butterflies let me post! :hitler: :laugh:


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