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Mass exodus?

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Yuri Bezmenov:
Da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb...

... starring Rob Schneider

I remember about 7 ish years ago there was another AS forum set up that had some of the older calmer WP members on it like Sophist and BeeBee. I liked it there, of course I couldn't help trolling so I ended up leaving because I couldn't control myself and stop annoying them. I can't remember what they called it though. Edit - it was called Gestalt and is a dead link now

Gestalt was great in its day. I learned quite a lot from it. Wish I had access to it though, there was a thread I made (others did too) about me and autism. I would have liked to copy the information to my computer. I've lost two blogs too. Just hasn't been my luck to keep things online.


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