Great story Scrap. Fuck all sense as usual. Aeroplanes and Rock formations. There is something you are both knowledgeable and entertaining with. Tell us all about Moonies. (Nice and short post - just for you Scrap)
Is cheap ad hominems all you are capable of these days?? Your posts are starting to resemble those of TCO. You know, when you lie with dogs, you rise with fleas and all of that. Are you just going to throw cheap insults or do you actually have anything meaningful to say??
This is not about Moonies and you still make fuck all sense.
No pleasing you is there Scrap? I pander to your idiocy and write a long reply and you complain about how long it is, I post a short, succinct opinion on the lack of meaning you throw into every post you write, and you do not like that either.
You look to me to be the only one still holding on tightly to the TCO drama.
As for “Laying with TCO” never did and never will and you know I will not seek to change your mind here, any more than I would in trying to convince you that Moonies are just another plane. I know what obsession is when I see it.
As for meaning, my opinion is that at the present time, I could throw a bunch of stream of consciousness writing and still out trump you in the “meaningful” stakes.
EGO, if anyone has a massive ego, it's you.
Oh I have a very big ego and an arrogant self-assurance to match yet I am not seeking to mention my relevance on MAA nor trying to shit on Calavera for not giving you control of the whole site.
Let's for a moment humour your idiocy. MAA is not even a forum anymore. It is done and finished. So this is just textual masturbation by you right now. Maybe Calavera was a horrible Admin or whatever. I don't think so and you do.
You would have done differently? Not too late. Go out there you whinging little bastard and start your own forum and maybe you too can get your own little hater, crying ad nauseum about how terrible you are as an Admin for not doing things to their standards or expectations.
Go forth son, show us how it is done!!!
Perhaps the sneaky people can name themselves then.
I have no idea why people would dislike Sir Les, unless their name was QM or something 
Thank you very much Sinnocent, very sweet of you to say so. I think he is blowing smoke and I dunno whether I care too much either way. People like me, hate me or are absolutely indifferent to me. Not really how much it matters in the scheme of things or why this has become an issue.