Author Topic: I feel I have to say this.  (Read 10147 times)

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #120 on: December 01, 2011, 02:14:14 PM »
I definitely understand about difficulties of writing. I could go on for ages about it. What do you find difficult about it if you don't mind my asking? How long does the dissertation have to be?

Some kind of perfectionism, which is making me think maybe it's related to ocd. I find it difficult not to be all-or-nothing with things. Everything is always oone extreme or the other. ie it has to be perfect, or I just can't handle it. It's so frustrating. Every sentence I write reads back to me like total shit and I can't take it.

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #121 on: December 01, 2011, 04:03:30 PM »
all i have to say in my limited library internet time, is that MLA is a fucking faggot. that is all

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #122 on: December 01, 2011, 04:45:21 PM »
all i have to say in my limited library internet time, is that MLA is a fucking faggot. that is all

He's registered on Spasticity, so you could head over and get reacquainted with him :santa:


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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #123 on: December 01, 2011, 04:46:42 PM »
Didn't MLA go to another forum as well?

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #124 on: December 01, 2011, 04:49:22 PM »
Didn't MLA go to another forum as well?

I don't know. I wasn't really online much when he left. I do know that he registered at The Drivel, but I don't think he posts much, if at all.


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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #125 on: December 01, 2011, 05:07:42 PM »
Didn't MLA go to another forum as well?

I don't know. I wasn't really online much when he left. I do know that he registered at The Drivel, but I don't think he posts much, if at all.

Maybe I'll check out The Drivel. 

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #126 on: December 01, 2011, 05:21:40 PM »
Didn't MLA go to another forum as well?

I don't know. I wasn't really online much when he left. I do know that he registered at The Drivel, but I don't think he posts much, if at all.

Maybe I'll check out The Drivel.

It's very quiet, but here's a link to it if you want o check it out.

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #127 on: December 01, 2011, 10:02:26 PM »
I definitely understand about difficulties of writing. I could go on for ages about it. What do you find difficult about it if you don't mind my asking? How long does the dissertation have to be?
Some kind of perfectionism, which is making me think maybe it's related to ocd. I find it difficult not to be all-or-nothing with things. Everything is always oone extreme or the other. ie it has to be perfect, or I just can't handle it. It's so frustrating. Every sentence I write reads back to me like total shit and I can't take it.
That does sound frustrating. Has it been this way for you all through uni? I don't like reading my own writing so I read through something once after I have written it to make sure it is grammatically correct, then never look at it again because I know I will start rewriting and it will never end. I don't even do drafts because of this and it is probably why I don't get the grades I could get. Though I would have gotten 97% for a recent assignment had I not gone over the word limit heh.

Wish I could help you on this but I am a bit similar to you about my uni writing except it isn't too much of a problem. Because I just ignore what I don't like instead of actually doing something about it.
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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #128 on: December 01, 2011, 10:51:37 PM »
A brat who was giving me as much shit as I gave her (in return). Still think that was one-sided bullying, don't ya?

It was, i'll admit she is annoying at times, but there was no need to demean her until she sent me a PM saying she was in tears.

Sounds like manipulation, don't you think?

Besides, she actually contacted me after all this, indicating she never did have much of an issue with me. Her crying "bully" was just a desperate act for attention.

It was just a few WP people that were driven away by some of the stuff said there, it was not really you that drove them a way, some said it was Sir_Les. As for the failure, you just tolerated a bit too much smut for it to succeed

So now the blame has shifted to one particular individual. First it was I2. Then it was me. Now it's Sir_Les. lol

Anonymous people need to stop embarrassing themselves with these random accusations, lol.

Let's keep in mind that the forum failed simply because it wasn't interesting enough for many to join. Has barely anything to do with whatever smut you imagine the forum to have had.

But, of course, there are sneaky people who just like to gossip behind one's back and not face him head on because they're just cowards.

Or maybe you're making them up yourself, Anonymous. Is it possible?

MAA would have been a lot more successful if those "sneaky people" had joined, but they refused to join because the I2 like environment, your tolerance of smut, and Sir_Les.


And yet, I compromised quite a bit just for your satisfaction. But of course, the compromises I made for you didn't make you happy at the end because what you really wanted is to have the rules changed to become more like WP rather than like a much freer forum like Intensity Squared ... and that was something I wasn't willing to do for a forum meant for MEN to be free and comfortable as men without being judged as men.

I could've easily demoted you to a regular member despite your complaints and such, but I didn't because I tolerated (and, at most times, even welcomed) disagreements and questioning (unlike your current hero, Alex Plank). In fact, I made you in full control of one of the sections while forbidding myself from having any administrative/moderating privileges there.

And you still weren't happy.

Did any of those crybaby cowards join that section just to help out since they cared oh so much for the forum's status?

Guess who helped you out instead as members there? Me ... and Sir_Les! :hahaha:

If anything, I was more the lackey than you were. At least I made it clear to you several times not to look at me as if I'm some mafia boss or something.

But I guess I can't help what you perceive.

Prove it, prove where you made one compromise. Hell, you even gave me shit about banning an obvious spammer. That section you gave my full control over was a waste of time and at the point when it was created, i could not be arsed into giving a crap about it. You call Plank my hero, he is not. If anyone has a hero, its you, and your hero is Sir_Les. I addressed you as boss all the time because to me, you were nothing more than a supervisor, and MAA was nothing more than a business in my mind. I did not consider myself a member there. However, I can give you credit for trying to be my friend.

You never did shit to make me happy, and I did not need you to.

I tried, though (without killing the purpose of the forum). Give me some credit for once. :cbc:
I'll give you credit for sending my that PM about my mother's death.

However I may have been a bit over the top with my comments regarding the other members of this BBS. maybe I should have just blamed you for the stupid shit you pulled. As for your beef with Alex, did you ever see Boo say anything about it? From what i can see of him, he did not care, and TBH, neither do I.

Not sure why you mentioned Boo here. If Boo has nothing to say to me, don't just mention him out of nowhere because it's unreasonable and unnecessary.

And, actually, you did care. You were the first to complain to me about it, lol.

But go on, keep showing us your lack of consistency. That's what happens when you listen to sneaky people rather than pay attention to what more honest and sincere people say.

Simply but, Boo is still a member of WP and you are not. I was merely curious about what I saw in that thread and after I looked into it for a bit, I found that it was bullshit. As for these "sneaky people", I could not please them and you, so I just stopped caring.

Anonymous Calvera practically filled you in on every decision and pandered to you. Your ego was demanding it. He gave you your own subforum to be completely in control of. You are just whinging and it is not pretty. Is not now and was not then.

EGO, if anyone has a massive ego, it's you.

Also Calavera, I never got the impression that you encouraged me in anything, so I called Bullshit.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 10:58:14 PM by TheAnonymous »
The stupidity of humanity FILLS ME WITH RAGE!

Offline Adam

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #129 on: December 01, 2011, 11:03:01 PM »
I definitely understand about difficulties of writing. I could go on for ages about it. What do you find difficult about it if you don't mind my asking? How long does the dissertation have to be?
Some kind of perfectionism, which is making me think maybe it's related to ocd. I find it difficult not to be all-or-nothing with things. Everything is always oone extreme or the other. ie it has to be perfect, or I just can't handle it. It's so frustrating. Every sentence I write reads back to me like total shit and I can't take it.
That does sound frustrating. Has it been this way for you all through uni? I don't like reading my own writing so I read through something once after I have written it to make sure it is grammatically correct, then never look at it again because I know I will start rewriting and it will never end. I don't even do drafts because of this and it is probably why I don't get the grades I could get. Though I would have gotten 97% for a recent assignment had I not gone over the word limit heh.

Wish I could help you on this but I am a bit similar to you about my uni writing except it isn't too much of a problem. Because I just ignore what I don't like instead of actually doing something about it.

I've kind of always been like this in general really, for example ever since I was a kid my bedroom has always either been a total mess or absolutely perfect. right now everything is as I like it, but if I started letting it go and things were no longer in the right place, I'd just think sod it and let it go to shit

In terms of uni, first year was great for me. Didn't miss a seingle lecture, submitted all my work on time, kept my folders organised and took good notes etc. I was a model student really lol. Then started second year in september 2007 and, well, let's just say october/november/december 07 weren't good months for me and that was when my ocd started. ever since then I've really struggled and I don't know why, as toilet/shower ocd shouldn/t directly impact university work, right?

it's frustrating tho, yeh. Maybe I need to try just doing it like you without re-reading it too much. Or maybe make a conscious effort to do it in an anti-ocd way, ie writing it well, but not "just right." I find that helps with my actual OCD.


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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #130 on: December 01, 2011, 11:04:05 PM »
You call Plank my hero, he is not. If anyone has a hero, its you, and your hero is Sir_Les. I addressed you as boss all the time because to me, you were nothing more than a supervisor, and MAA was nothing more than a business in my mind. I did not consider myself a member there. However, I can give you credit for trying to be my friend.
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like Anonymous scorned.* Unrequited love is so hurtful.  :'(

*Acknowledgement to William Congreve.  :thumbup:

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #131 on: December 01, 2011, 11:18:12 PM »
MAA would have been a lot more successful if those "sneaky people" had joined, but they refused to join because the I2 like environment, your tolerance of smut, and Sir_Les.

I was doing heavy promoting back before scary bad evil Sir_Les ever joined. Why didn't they join then?

You're not going by evidence, are you?

Prove it, prove where you made one compromise.

I already mentioned at least a couple. Are you paying attention?

Do you deny that I had you in charge of one of the sections (for example)? You even set up your own specific rules there.

Hell, you even gave me shit about banning an obvious spammer.

Actually, it wasn't an obvious spammer, and I didn't give you shit for it anyway. I was cool and gentle and understanding with you on that one and didn't use any guilt trip on you for it or whatever it is you're implying by "giving you shit".

That section you gave my full control over was a waste of time and at the point when it was created, i could not be arsed into giving a crap about it.

Yes, what you really and ultimately wanted was for the rules to change to your own liking but not to mine and to the active members of the forum (including nick007, by the way).

You call Plank my hero, he is not.

Why have you been afraid of questioning him then (despite what he did)? You sure have no problem questioning me.

I addressed you as boss all the time because to me, you were nothing more than a supervisor, and MAA was nothing more than a business in my mind. I did not consider myself a member there. However, I can give you credit for trying to be my friend.

That's the problem right there. You took it way too seriously for comfort. Business, Anonymous? It was just a forum for spazzy men, not a fucking trade center. :hahaha:

You're now hating on me because the forum was more suitable for free speech than WP could ever be?

Simply but, Boo is still a member of WP and you are not. I was merely curious about what I saw in that thread and after I looked into it for a bit, I found that it was bullshit. As for these "sneaky people", I could not please them and you, so I just stopped caring.

I don't think Alex being a horrible admin is bullshit, nor do many members here. You're still trying to please those sneaky people despite what you'd like to believe.

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #132 on: December 01, 2011, 11:27:30 PM »
Okay, who are these 'sneaky' people, name names, or are you chicken? :eyelash:
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Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #133 on: December 01, 2011, 11:43:21 PM »
I was just thinking, it was a bad idea to blame all of you for the crimes of few and i just got that interpretation from what MLA said. MLA owned up for his actions, as did Calavera. So i should have just blamed them to begin with, and not who they associate with.

As for these "sneaky people", they would not like for me to name them.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 11:44:58 PM by TheAnonymous »
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Re: I feel I have to say this.
« Reply #134 on: December 01, 2011, 11:51:56 PM »
I definitely understand about difficulties of writing. I could go on for ages about it. What do you find difficult about it if you don't mind my asking? How long does the dissertation have to be?
Some kind of perfectionism, which is making me think maybe it's related to ocd. I find it difficult not to be all-or-nothing with things. Everything is always oone extreme or the other. ie it has to be perfect, or I just can't handle it. It's so frustrating. Every sentence I write reads back to me like total shit and I can't take it.
That does sound frustrating. Has it been this way for you all through uni? I don't like reading my own writing so I read through something once after I have written it to make sure it is grammatically correct, then never look at it again because I know I will start rewriting and it will never end. I don't even do drafts because of this and it is probably why I don't get the grades I could get. Though I would have gotten 97% for a recent assignment had I not gone over the word limit heh.

Wish I could help you on this but I am a bit similar to you about my uni writing except it isn't too much of a problem. Because I just ignore what I don't like instead of actually doing something about it.
I've kind of always been like this in general really, for example ever since I was a kid my bedroom has always either been a total mess or absolutely perfect. right now everything is as I like it, but if I started letting it go and things were no longer in the right place, I'd just think sod it and let it go to shit

In terms of uni, first year was great for me. Didn't miss a seingle lecture, submitted all my work on time, kept my folders organised and took good notes etc. I was a model student really lol. Then started second year in september 2007 and, well, let's just say october/november/december 07 weren't good months for me and that was when my ocd started. ever since then I've really struggled and I don't know why, as toilet/shower ocd shouldn/t directly impact university work, right?

it's frustrating tho, yeh. Maybe I need to try just doing it like you without re-reading it too much. Or maybe make a conscious effort to do it in an anti-ocd way, ie writing it well, but not "just right." I find that helps with my actual OCD.
I think maybe your OCD has had an impact on many areas of your life, the toilet/shower side of it being most significant though. And I remember you posting about little OCD things that were annoying to you as well. I guess you could try a combination of my method (ignoring what has been written after a certain point so you don't have to keep going over it) and your anti-OCD way, probably a good idea to keep doing that as it will help with your OCD as a whole.

I think there are heaps of things I do that could potentially turn into OCD but in the end I am just too lazy to implement them. ;)
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way