Author Topic: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.  (Read 18124 times)

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #405 on: November 24, 2011, 01:22:37 PM »
Oh man I want one of those.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Jesse

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #406 on: November 30, 2011, 03:24:29 PM »
the place is better without them. losers


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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #407 on: November 30, 2011, 06:24:26 PM »
the place is better without them. losers

Better without whom??

Offline Bastet

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #408 on: February 14, 2013, 10:24:57 PM »
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #409 on: February 14, 2013, 11:33:02 PM »
Wow, I missed that when he first wrote it.  :LOL:
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #410 on: February 15, 2013, 07:01:58 AM »
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.


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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #411 on: February 15, 2013, 10:19:07 AM »
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #412 on: February 15, 2013, 11:51:43 AM »
You know, I get both here. Though I admit fully around the time of this thread the entertainment factor was bottoming out and the community seemed to be not up to much, in my estimation. It seemed a small vocal gang was roaming the halls of I2, pissing on walls and up ending pot plants for reaction and to make some impression over the rest of the community. It sucked.
I was not enjoying myself coming here. I chose to be elsewhere. I was also a bit incredulous that no one seemed to want to react on what I saw as blatant disregard for the community.
That is no longer the case and I am pleased.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #413 on: February 15, 2013, 06:33:47 PM »
Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

I'll keep that in mind.

(Like Al, I use it for both.)
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Jack

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #414 on: February 15, 2013, 08:11:10 PM »

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

It was still a really good post.

Offline odeon

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #415 on: February 16, 2013, 03:29:30 AM »
It was a good post but one I partly disagree with. I still think the concept of this place is sound. I still think that here, it is possible to discuss things honestly. I still think I2 does enable the spazzes. Yes, there are people who will watch for an opening, any opening, and then go for the kill, but I don't find that to be the norm.

Unlike the other places, I2 is what you make it to be.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #416 on: February 16, 2013, 11:13:25 AM »
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

Don't place a different standard on others that you place on them, big guy. "quoted for posterity" Is something from your own vocabulary. Yeah.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"


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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #417 on: February 19, 2013, 10:50:16 AM »

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

It was still a really good post.

Thanks :)


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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #418 on: February 19, 2013, 10:51:20 AM »
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

Don't place a different standard on others that you place on them, big guy. "quoted for posterity" Is something from your own vocabulary. Yeah.

Huh?  :autism:

Offline Bastet

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #419 on: February 22, 2013, 06:09:14 AM »
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

Don't place a different standard on others that you place on them, big guy. "quoted for posterity" Is something from your own vocabulary. Yeah.

Huh?  :autism:

That's right, MLA, rollover and play dumb. :autism:  :hahaha:
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 06:15:34 AM by Uppity Retard »

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.