I'm not trying to stop Odeon posting his opinion on Butterflies , if I wanted to do things like that why would I have joined I^2 in the first place?
You do appear to be protective of her and bothered that odeon would argue with her.
Not uncomfortable , I just really do not see why Odeon desperately needs to continue this argument which is really never going to be resolved?
Why do you seem to desperately want odeon to not continue this train of thought?
Butterflies is a friend , and I disagree about what is being said about her if you don't like me saying so , don't read my posts. 
I would rather read it and call you for blatantly running interference by posting WWTCOD instead of responding to what you believe odeon is wrong about. WWTCOD is just distraction, it has nothing to do with the matter at hand. As I stated before acrimonious arguments @ I
2 predated TCO's membership here, there is no valid reason arguments should stop happening here because TCO is no longer a member.
Did either of us say she needs to be protected by Odeon?
Your posts and her reply that she feels like she needs all the help she can get lead me to the conclusion that that is exactly what you are doing. Needing protection from big bad odeon is a ludicrous concept IMO.
Nope, first off stop reading things that aren't there , second why should we be censured by you because we disagree with what Odeon says about Butterflies?
I am inferring what appears to me to be very clearly there. I asked bodie if she desired a censure for odeon, me disagreeing with you is not censure. This is