TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101.
Whether or not TCO was a "worthy opponent" in niether here nor there.
TCO was an antagonistic asshole who went asking for all this shit.
If this incident didn't "cause a meltdown" then something else would've.
As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say "If it isn't one thing, it's another. It's always something."
TCO did ask for it, yes. But riling him up is easier than stealing candy from a 5-yo and hardly warrants the attention.
As is winding up Pentagram and Razor yet I've not seen you speak against riling either of them up.
It only counts if the person in question is at least over 35 
I think there is truth in that. I was warned about it, not long after I joined the site, and it is clear.
Penty is fair game for anyone, as is his family. Steve, much more of a dick than Penty at his worst, should be given special treatment, and we should all go out of our way to ensure he doesn't have a meltdown.
Odeon is just a hypocrite