
Author Topic: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.  (Read 17995 times)

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #315 on: November 22, 2011, 10:07:31 AM »
That's the thing, really. If her behaviour was to become the norm, I think we would all lose.
Are you working your way through a list of people?

No, I'm not. I don't think there is a need.
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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #316 on: November 22, 2011, 10:18:54 AM »
Squid I did not run in and make a few posts and run out again. Any particular reason you would choose to say this about me? I am not on the run over this. I simply came onto I2 after much thought whether i would bother and posted. Is that running in? It is not is it? Why would you say so? I did not run off. I answered a few posts and thought "Fuck it have already started repeating myself over and over and i doubt anyone gets it and i don't know whether i care enough to continually go over and over. Not sure I want to be here because I don't actually like the environment and i would rather be doing something I enjoy. Then I left. You know this though too.

Ok then I misread , I was under the impressionyou had left and then saw this thread , therefore that was an assumption I made , if it was wrong apologies.

What is more of a concern is this little piece
Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
Considering that I not only said that TCO made these remarks (from Pandora's account) about Bint, I also PM'ed you the actual quote he wrote from an email to me that said this explicitly, why say this?
You KNOW it is blatantly untrue but you put it out there anyway?
THAT I don't get.

I'm looking through my PM's but do not see a quote from TCO , you must have sent it to someone else , but ok if that was TCO who made that comment I retract it.
Py is right about something. The social subtleties of conversations are not my strong point. I am aspie. Most here are. Most here will not get the clever miswordings or misrepresentations or whatever. Py was not using NT as a dirty word and so no Squiddy, she did not discredit herself by saying so regardless of whether you see what she sees.
She is using it to say that Butterflies seems to be very clever with using subtle nuances and changing meaning. It is something my mother was particularly good at. It is deceptive and manipulating in the same way that misrepresenting someone's position and then arguing against the misrepsented falsity is clever and deceptive...if you don''t get caught.
Works like this Squid.
A argues X
B claims that A's argument is Y and then defends against Y.
Unless A can address Y then B skirts around having to make account of themselves for X.

I disagree with Pyraxis's statement about Butterflies acting "NT" , regardless of diagnosis people act like how she claims Butterflies acts.

I don't base my decisions on what to post based on WWTCOD. He is not here, aside from an occasional passing thought of him falling off a pier I don't invest much time in wondering what he wants or doesn't want. Trying to dissuade odeon from posting his opinion on Butterflies by throwing TCO's perceived wants and desires out there is ridiculous argumentation. 

I'm not trying to stop Odeon posting his opinion on Butterflies , if I wanted to do things like that why would I have joined I^2 in the first place?

I think you've taken what I said slightly the wrong way , it was mere noting that TCO would probably have wanted to cause as much drama judging by his past behaviour.

While you are not blatantly demanding that it stop you appear to be uncomfortable about it. Does Butterflies need your help? Is there any reason that she cannot handle odeon on her own?

Not uncomfortable , I just really do not see why Odeon desperately needs to continue this argument which is really never going to be resolved?

And no Butterflies probably doesn't need my help , but just as you criticise me for apparently "dissuading" Odeon's point of view , why are you "dissuading" my opinion that Odeon is wrong?

Butterflies is a friend , and I disagree about what is being said about her if you don't like me saying so , don't read my posts.  :thumbup:

Should odeon be censured for having the temerity to disagree with Butterflies bodie? Maybe she should be immune from having others disagree with her,14881.0.html she is wearing big girl panties. I don't get why you and squid appear to be of a mind that she needs protected from odeon. What's up with that?

Did either of us say he should be censured?
Did either of us say she needs to be protected by Odeon?

Nope, first off stop reading things that aren't there , second why should we be censured by you because we disagree with what Odeon says about Butterflies?
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #317 on: November 22, 2011, 10:27:33 AM »
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?

Am I wrong in pointing out the errors in her ways?
I am just disappointed.  I was expecting the punchline to be something more profound.  Maybe something that would make me think 'ah now i see what the point is to all of this'.   When you said "Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?"  and "It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread. "  then it made me think of how you addressed squids argument with "The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist."   

A double twist i think!   Reminds me of 'do as  i say and not as i do'.   Maybe this tactic has worked for you before and you got the result.

Has she seen the errors of her ways?   I think in teaching her a lesson like this,  and the fact that she hasn't run off crying,  you may have inadvertently   assisted in giving her a 'bad girl reputation' that she may or may not wish to live up to.

I think I've explained the reasons behind my posts enough times; whether or not they are in the form of a callout is neither here nor there.

As for profoundness, do YOU think the viciousness displayed by Butterflies when hunting down TCO and Pandora was warranted? TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101. Do you think it's something I2 members should engage in more?

I don't think we should. Not just because we can, and certainly not when one of the targets this time wasn't even part of the original flamewar.
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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #318 on: November 22, 2011, 10:34:24 AM »
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?

Am I wrong in pointing out the errors in her ways?
I am just disappointed.  I was expecting the punchline to be something more profound.  Maybe something that would make me think 'ah now i see what the point is to all of this'.   When you said "Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?"  and "It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread. "  then it made me think of how you addressed squids argument with "The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist."   

A double twist i think!   Reminds me of 'do as  i say and not as i do'.   Maybe this tactic has worked for you before and you got the result.

Has she seen the errors of her ways?   I think in teaching her a lesson like this,  and the fact that she hasn't run off crying,  you may have inadvertently   assisted in giving her a 'bad girl reputation' that she may or may not wish to live up to.

I think I've explained the reasons behind my posts enough times; whether or not they are in the form of a callout is neither here nor there.

As for profoundness, do YOU think the viciousness displayed by Butterflies when hunting down TCO and Pandora was warranted? TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101. Do you think it's something I2 members should engage in more?

I don't think we should. Not just because we can, and certainly not when one of the targets this time wasn't even part of the original flamewar.

Padora was never hunted down. That is just bullshit.

Steve was every bit as responsible for the argument as I am. Even when I agreed to drop it, he started making posts about me. He helped escalate things as much as I did.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #319 on: November 22, 2011, 10:38:36 AM »
Of course he was, and probably more than his share. I'd say TCO did his best to remain a target. OTOH you (meaning those involved) made sure to bait him enough to keep him in the frame.

There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #320 on: November 22, 2011, 10:44:18 AM »
You know Odeon. It's really sad. You seem desperate to get people to join you on your little witchhunt.
It shows that you are a nasty little person. You show all the signs of of a wannabe demagogue, attempting to whip the masses up into a little lynch mob.
At least when I choose to fight someone, I try to do it myself.

Imagine getting so morally outraged by my behaviour, thay you deal with your butthurt by behaving at least as bad as I've ever behaved.

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #321 on: November 22, 2011, 10:45:52 AM »
^ Not sure if you're grouping me into the "posse" or not there.

can't speak for the others but will say I went onto FB originally because Pandora (or TCO as it seems to be) was saying things I disagreed with.

As for TCO , I just gave my opinion on him , did bait him by creating the BIG FUCKING PETER and BIG FUCKING PETERS smilies I guess after seeing him spazz and spout off at a few undeserving people I.e Jack I don't feel bad for that however.

Of course you and Pyraxis are free to see this as just me shirking responsibility and can claim I am part of some "posse" , but all I cany say is I react on what I think is right / wrong , what others do is up to them.

I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #322 on: November 22, 2011, 10:54:57 AM »
There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right? 

If I was part of a posse, then what are you, Les, Pyraxis, and Hyke?

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #323 on: November 22, 2011, 11:06:08 AM »
You know Odeon. It's really sad. You seem desperate to get people to join you on your little witchhunt.
It shows that you are a nasty little person. You show all the signs of of a wannabe demagogue, attempting to whip the masses up into a little lynch mob.
At least when I choose to fight someone, I try to do it myself.

Imagine getting so morally outraged by my behaviour, thay you deal with your butthurt by behaving at least as bad as I've ever behaved.

Easier to blame me than addressing your own behaviour, isn't it? Introspection is hard work.

But I'm going to humour you for a bit.

What butthurt? For what reason?

Moral outrage? Really? Well, if pointing out that what you did was over the top is moral outrage, I can live with that. Beats the alternative.

I sort of like your lynch mob insinuation. Tells me that you somehow need to reverse the tables; instead of you and the posse it's now me and the lynch mob. Amusing but painfully far off the mark.

Just to take one example, are you aware of the fact that Pyraxis and I will usually disagree on mostly everything? That she has been and still is one of my more vocal critics?

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #324 on: November 22, 2011, 11:09:04 AM »
^ Not sure if you're grouping me into the "posse" or not there.

can't speak for the others but will say I went onto FB originally because Pandora (or TCO as it seems to be) was saying things I disagreed with.

As for TCO , I just gave my opinion on him , did bait him by creating the BIG FUCKING PETER and BIG FUCKING PETERS smilies I guess after seeing him spazz and spout off at a few undeserving people I.e Jack I don't feel bad for that however.

Of course you and Pyraxis are free to see this as just me shirking responsibility and can claim I am part of some "posse" , but all I cany say is I react on what I think is right / wrong , what others do is up to them.

In that you were one of the people who went over there, yes, you were part of that posse. But I think there is a difference between Butterflies and the others, tbh. Every single one of you has examined their involvement, I think. She has not, other than to try to silence the accusations. Those she frequently qualified with a "but".

It's not just the what. It's the how.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #325 on: November 22, 2011, 11:14:50 AM »
What butthurt? For what reason?
That's obvious. You think Les has left the site. He has blamed me, so you blame me.

Moral outrage? Really? Well, if pointing out that what you did was over the top is moral outrage, I can live with that. Beats the alternative.
You had adequately pointed out your opinion 20 pages ago, I think we all get the point.

I sort of like your lynch mob insinuation. Tells me that you somehow need to reverse the tables; instead of you and the posse it's now me and the lynch mob. Amusing but painfully far off the mark.
Not really. You aren't a lynch mob, just as I wasn't part of a lynch mob on FB. If you read the drama on FB, you'll see that it was no lynching. In fact, I was perfectly civil to her.

Just to take one example, are you aware of the fact that Pyraxis and I will usually disagree on mostly everything? That she has been and still is one of my more vocal critics?
Yes, but at the moment her hatred for me is clearly greater than her dislike of you. TBH she doesn't seem to have any idea what really went on anyway.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #326 on: November 22, 2011, 11:16:26 AM »
^ Not sure if you're grouping me into the "posse" or not there.

can't speak for the others but will say I went onto FB originally because Pandora (or TCO as it seems to be) was saying things I disagreed with.

As for TCO , I just gave my opinion on him , did bait him by creating the BIG FUCKING PETER and BIG FUCKING PETERS smilies I guess after seeing him spazz and spout off at a few undeserving people I.e Jack I don't feel bad for that however.

Of course you and Pyraxis are free to see this as just me shirking responsibility and can claim I am part of some "posse" , but all I cany say is I react on what I think is right / wrong , what others do is up to them.

In that you were one of the people who went over there, yes, you were part of that posse. But I think there is a difference between Butterflies and the others, tbh. Every single one of you has examined their involvement, I think. She has not, other than to try to silence the accusations. Those she frequently qualified with a "but".

It's not just the what. It's the how.

Nobody who went on FB done anything wrong. They engaged in an argument with someone who attacked them.


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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #327 on: November 22, 2011, 12:02:17 PM »
Apathy doesn't keep responding to every post.

Apathy isn't contained in purely one thread.

Offline odeon

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #328 on: November 22, 2011, 12:05:42 PM »
There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right? 

If I was part of a posse, then what are you, Les, Pyraxis, and Hyke?

I feel sorry for you if you really don't see a difference.
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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #329 on: November 22, 2011, 12:09:05 PM »
There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right? 

If I was part of a posse, then what are you, Les, Pyraxis, and Hyke?

I feel sorry for you if you really don't see a difference.
There was no posse on FB. There was no lynching.

I was civil to her throughout, and only really defended myself from the accusations she made.