It's not the remark, it never was, it's the viciousness displayed and the total lack of remorse, later thinly disguised. It's that an innocent person was caught in the crossfire in her eagerness to flame what was an exceptionally easy target. It's the cold calculation when planning and the gloat when recapitulating perceived victories, and the willingness to always take it a little bit further.
"innocent" , no one is innocent in that drama.
Not Bodie , not TCO , not me , Not Butterflies and not Pandora.
Yes Tco may be controlling but Pandora is an adult and fully capable of making her own decisions , Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
You go on about Butterflies seeing the consequences of her behaviour but at the same time advocate that another is an "innocent person" and the response to the insults and lies
they decided to sling were "cruel"?
Now do you see the double standard?
And the fuss I create now is nothing in comparison, but important, nevertheless. I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change.
Hardly a fuss , more like Les running in making a few posts then running off again , you going on for some reason and Hyke and Pyraxis interjecting here and there.
You didn't start the mud-slinging at FB first, you started it here.
I really did not , maybe MLA or others did but I tried to be reasonable on FB.
The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist. I have already commented on those.
Not two wrongs make a right at all.
I said that Butterflies was not right to retaliate in a similar method to what TCO did , I merely noted that she said it in the open and it was nohere near as bad IMO as what he had said.
Parakeet was a participant. Pandora hadn't said a word when she was forced into this. You are confusing the timeline again, unless you support pre-emptive strikes.
I believe you are confusing the timelines.
Yes Pandora was forced into this but not by butterflies, remember TCO claiming that if he hit Pandora it would have been butterflies's fault?
This is going in circles.