Author Topic: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.  (Read 18105 times)

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2011, 06:56:45 AM »
This could be a long reply. 

Not too sure if i was expected to reply to this.  As i was involved then i will.     

I had never actively encouraged her onto I2 because she is not a good fit here as TCO has proven that he is not and she recognized the same. It is no biggie. Plenty of forums I would not fit and the same could be said of anyone here.
Have to say i can't understand why she would get him an account on the FB WP group after what had just gone on over here!  Bearing in mind his past performance it seems crazy to encourage him to join another forum if he was still butthurt.  I would have thought the ending was a predictable one.  The reason i say 'get him an a/c'  is because it is not a 'click to join group'   You can request to join but until another member 'approves' you, you cannot post.  She opened the door for him.

Another reason i mention this -  i waited two or three days to get approved in the group.  V approved Butterflies,  she approved me,  etc.  This is worth bearing in mind if you are thinking we went in as a gang.  We all had to wait more than a day, i can't speak for anyone else but i was frustrated at reading the posts and not being able to comment.  As we were all aproved in the space of five mins it might appear that we went in as a 'posse' but it was just a bottleneck.

I was not angry or anything like that,  i simply wanted to comment on things like
Rod Craven Seems the admins of that site just let the chickens run the coop, and don;t give a monkey;s about what is posted by these bullies. A membership of 459, with at least 10 active bullies and a lot of fence-sitters. IntensitySquared - a site to be avoided by anyone who wants to feel safe.
11 October at 19:28
Rod Craven
Now, unfortunately I've been told that unless Texas or Florida law has been broken by anything that is posted on I2, they can do whatever the fuck they like, and the only real TOS violation is to post child porn and threaten to hack or damage the site. And unfortunately, there is not a lot Alex or anyone can do to stop them from posting their rubbish there. But when they cross over to here and start their shenanigans, or try it on in WP itself, that's where they are going to come unstuck. And being the cowards they are, they will stick to posting in their own backyard, or closet as it may be.
and this one really made me want to reply
While there has been the odd amount of swearing here (I was told by my niece that FB doesn't censor unless it is considerably vulgar) but the swearing and foul language on I2 has become de riguer. 
12 October at 08:21
I am sorry but i could not let that one go for he has the worst mouth for foul language i have ever come across.   

Also my approval to post came on 15th October.
This was a post made by Pandora on 13th October.
Carmel Anne Jones
I've never known Rod to lie about anything. It seems to me as if MLA was blowing off smoke about making a possible attack on WP because he was angry about the troubles he had over there. I don't believe Rod could have been expected to know if MLA was only posturing and had no real intention of making any attack. Rod has had enough of the bullying, taunting, and goading directed his way and I certainly don't blame him.
13 October at 15:56 • Like
  So is this Rod or Pandora?   He wouldn't have needed to post under her account then? or would he?   I am not really expecting an answer but trying to show you that i, personally,  couldn't really tell.  Yes i suspected there was some made by Rod,  but i honestly do not recall being told about this being a habit of his until later on.  I think i first cottoned on that maybe he was making some posts under her name when in one thread she said she had known Rod for 12 years and then in another said 14 years.

If you had said to me something like "oi fuckwit,  it's not Pandora it is Rod" i would have not made another comment.  To be honest i do regret getting involved.  You said yourself that Rod only admitted this after the event and can only assume you didn't really know until his admission.  So how can you expect us to know,  as a fact? 

So over a posse went to rip well deserved shit out of him…right? Nope. Over you went and ripped shit out of his fucking fiancé. She sees you there and unloading on her and TCO and puts up a rather poor attempt at defence. Anyone attack him? Nope you unload on her.
Hand on heart it was not like that at all, and i am speaking on behalf of myself.  I went there to reply  to Rod's comments.  I also went there to prevent ‘V’ from being dragged into defending them without all the facts.  I was not part of any posse.  I don’t know where you get your view that a posse went in and attacked Pandora.  Here are the first interractions i made
Teresa Louise Brown It is a grown up forum. Not a place to throw a tantrum. Majority of people have no problems at all there. A very childish and antagonistic person would probably face a bit of backlash.
16 October at 01:29 · Like
Teresa Louise Brown Oh dear! are you unable to string together a whole sentence without swearing? Also who are you talking to here?, i am not Butterflies. I put it to you that the reason you seem to have repeated 'problems' on the internet is that you are unable to communicate in a civil manner, and have no real grasp of polite conversation. Or are you just having another 3 week long meltdown?

here are Butterflies first posts
Lorna Smith Hi. I'm the Butterflies that has been getting discussed here. Carmel, I don't know you, and I'm sorry that you have so much animosity towards me. I suppose it may be understandable, considering what you have heard, but you do not appear to even know half of what's gone on. You are making comments about my personality such as "go on believing what you want to believe but don't be surprised if she turns on you at some stage. She won't right now because you're giving her all she wants - vindication and adulation." and others that I can't be bothered finding. They are simply not true. You are very welcome to message me, and I will be happy to discuss any issues you have with me.
15 October at 19:55 · Like
Lorna Smith Hi John. Intensity Squared is an aspie forum, a bit like WP, but it is not a support forum, and it is unmoderated. Free speech is promoted, and there are no rules, other than do not do anything that endangers the site. Fights can often occur on Intesity, because unlike WP, there are no mods stepping in to stop fights from happening. Don't get the wrong impression, it is a great site, with many great members, and just like WP, it provides a great service. I would certainly not say it is a site that should be avoided. However, it is not for anybody who is easily offended, or feels the need to be in a moderated environment.
15 October at 23:59 · Like
I won't put eris and squiddy as they are gone but they were not attacks on Pandora but on Rod.  I have no idea why you think that.

This is how i got into a silly argument with her, after i was kinda trying to see her perspective
Carmel Anne Jones I hope I am mistaken but he is about the same age as one of my daughters and I was going into my protective mother mode.
16 October at 14:13 · Like

Lloyd Purser Then at least get your facts straight before going into "protective mother mode".
16 October at 14:17 · Like

Carmel Anne Jones Is that a picture of you on your avatar?
16 October at 14:21 · Like

Lloyd Purser Yes.
16 October at 14:25 · Like

Vicente Rios Again Carmel I have a very close friend that has told me to be wary about there and she was told that Im aware of the possible issues and let it go. Your advice is appreciated but I see no issues at the moment and therefore Im not going to stop posting there.
16 October at 14:26 · Like

Teresa Louise Brown i understand the protective mother mode btw, i can mother Vicente at I2 if he needed it...but he doesn't.
16 October at 14:35 · Like

Kristine Kelly I wonder why she cared if that was his real picture ?
16 October at 14:38 · Like

Carmel Anne Jones Teresa, you do look old enough to be his mother.
16 October at 15:15 · Like

and she said my hair was like straw and i looked like a halloween fright mask!  But, you might say 'it wasn't her'  but all i had to go on was the info on my screen.  She made a post about her being in protective mother mode and i took that to be Pandora.  A few minutes later she insults me.  I hope you can see why it happened.

For what it is worth i am very sorry i insulted her back.  I said something really silly like 'are you the first of your family with no tail?'  I feel i should apologise to you and her.  Sorry.  There are other factors too,  but i need to go out in a bit and wanted to post before doing so.  As for Rod,  i would not apologise to him at all.  I think Rod is about a million miles away from 'alright'.

BTW I don't  think he has an undiagnosed condition -  unless you can class 'utter cunt' as one. 

I hope you don't really see the whole site as bad due to this incident.  I also hope you accept how sorry i am about getting involved.  I really have no bad feelings regarding your friend at all,  tempers were a bit frayed and i think Rod did his best to antagonize things.

blah blah blah

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2011, 07:38:32 AM »
I do not know what specific posts that were his and hers. I do know he admitted to having posted that snipe at Bint on her account. I do know that she suddenly was or felt confronted by I2 members and felt she had to defend herself and TCO and was really upset and out of her depth and appealing to me as to what to do whilst TCO cheered her on.

Bodie if you read what I wrote about the "posse" you will see not only do I not associate it in a negative light but that were it not that she was there and it not her safe online community, I would have been right there too.

You Bodie were one of the few not carrying on back at the clubhouse around me on your success and i thank you. You also did not cheer on the incredible wit of using the Rancidora dig at me and i thank you for that too.

"I hope you don't really see the whole site as bad due to this incident"

As I have said. The site is what we as members make it and so in answer, YES. It is sactioned and condoned and celebrated and that is a damn shame. It is justified an dexcused and seen as a righteous exercise and that is disappointing.

Not really the environment i am proud of and happy to support
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #47 on: November 16, 2011, 08:12:15 AM »
Posting from phone so cant say much, but c'mon Les, get a grip.
I was in a fight with Steve and Pandora. It was justified. Not one word I wrote was for your benefit. I wasnt fighting them whilst thinking of how to insult you.

Im sorry Les, but Im just not interested enough in you to aim digs at you after you appear to have left the site.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2011, 08:22:19 AM »
Something's foul here.

Les, I would encourage you not to leave on account of Butterflies. Don't forget DD did too. Between you two and eris, that's too many. I can't work out how things that happen on other sites by this group of a few people keep reflecting so badly on everybody on I2. There's a lot more to us than those few. When did the rest of us drop right off your radar?
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #49 on: November 16, 2011, 08:25:02 AM »
Something's foul here.

Les, I would encourage you not to leave on account of Butterflies. Don't forget DD did too. Between you two and eris, that's too many. I can't work out how things that happen on other sites by this group of a few people keep reflecting so badly on everybody on I2. There's a lot more to us than those few. When did the rest of us drop right off your radar?

Is that why DD left?

I miss that guy.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2011, 08:41:09 AM »
He left shortly after having a big argument with Butterflies and some others about patriotism and right to bear arms.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2011, 08:46:00 AM »
Posting from phone so cant say much, but c'mon Les, get a grip.
I was in a fight with Steve and Pandora. It was justified. Not one word I wrote was for your benefit. I wasnt fighting them whilst thinking of how to insult you.

Im sorry Les, but Im just not interested enough in you to aim digs at you after you appear to have left the site.

Get a grip? Get over yourself butterflies.

You were not posting to two people you knew were IP banned and could not see what was written. Credit this board with at least a little bit of common sense and a bit of memory recall.

Don't be sorry butterflies, I am not interested in you either.

Pyraxis, I know I keep rehashing the point but this place is what its members make it. I come here to wind down hang out and have fun. This type of shit is simply not doing it for me. I will do things other than what I am not enjoying.

I have pretty much said all I wanted to say and further comments would only really serve to rehash the same ground over and over. Hell. I don't expect that people should not do what they want here. Freedom of expression and all that. I question people simply in light of this to question what it is that they want out of the board. No one has to be here and no one is forced to do anything here. Make whatever culture you want and if it does it for you then stay and enjoy. If not change it or leave or do whatever.
Me? Well. I am a bit over it and think that at the moment it is not the place I am particularly wanting to be around nor do I find the current environment a pleasure to be around.
Things change, this place is not what it was 6 months ago or a year ago. What it may or could be is anyones guess.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 08:56:26 AM by Al Swearengen »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2011, 08:52:58 AM »
You also did not cheer on the incredible wit of using the Rancidora dig at me and i thank you for that too.

I do not see how you can think that was a dig at you?  ???

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2011, 08:53:40 AM »
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #54 on: November 16, 2011, 08:58:37 AM »
@Pyraxis. Thats a strange story about DD. At first it was presented as a fact that he left because of me. Now youre presenting as an observation that DD appears to have left some time after an argument with some people, one of them being me.

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2011, 09:35:43 AM »
haha, the right to bear arms argument  :2thumbsup:

I don't even get what the fuck is going on here anymore, I thought this shit ended ages ago, but yeh whatever  :M

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2011, 10:23:22 AM »
Wow. This is turning into a soap. Missing people return unexpectedly for shocking revelations while the existing cast does yet another rehash of the same old storyline, kept alive because the writers simply have nothing better to replace it with. And hell, it's worked for the past few episodes, several years in fact, so why not a few more?

Fairly soon there will be a deadly illness striking a well-loved figure, maybe it's a brain tumour, while long-standing combatants are revealed to be siblings, lost at birth.

FFS, seriously, people?!? This is a fucking internet message board, an unmoderated one, mostly, and as such more subject to the day-to-day headaches and whims of the so-called aspie elite than most of its cousins out there. It's not something that can replace real life or deliver profoundness on a plate. It's a fucking message board and only ever what those that bother posting there make of it.

Oh, and MLA--there is no such thing. You won't magically find connections online just because you want to, just the opposite. Most boards give back what you give them. Or just some muffled contempt or a ban, if they are moderated. Post. Or don't post. All there is to it.
There has been a deadly illness to strike a beloved member, and for some reason am thinking it was a brain tumor. Hope that wasn't a joke about it. Say what you will, but it may only be a message board, but it's stil real people and people can be affected by it. Am pretty sure I've inadvertantly hurt at least two people online. Will never know for certain, and they're so nice they would likely deny it even if the opportunity came up ask. Am much more careful about these things, though the latest drama has made me realize there might be a third person from something done almost two years ago, and I'm really upset about it.

No, it wasn't a joke about any particular member here, Jack. It was just a joke in reference to a typical daytime soap. My apologies if someone misunderstood my post.

To clarify: I'm all for a place where you feel you can connect, where you can find friends, etc, but I feel that all of a sudden, impossible expectations about what this place is or should be are risen. It's just a message board, nothing more. If people like it here and find like-minded individuals and feel at home, great, but it shouldn't be expected to change your life. Not saying it can't, but it shouldn't be expected.
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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2011, 10:26:44 AM »
Oh, and MLA--there is no such thing. You won't magically find connections online just because you want to

Thank you for proving my point.

Eh? All I'm saying is that people sometimes place impossible expectations on message boards and your post was a case in point.
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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2011, 10:36:33 AM »
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

A rather obvious reply, then: Steve wasn't IP banned the whole time, far from it. Also, quite a few members use a proxy, all the time.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2011, 10:37:10 AM »
Thanks, Odeon.