Ok, I've calmed down to the point that I can say this. Suicide threats should always be taken seriously and I believe Pikajedi has done so and did the right thing. BUT, as my psycho cunt ex-girlfriend found out, fake suicide threats deserve no mercy. She got hauled off to jail and the psych eval ward after. Her parents are now so furious at the public humiliation and the revelations of this past behavior that they have nearly cut her off any further assistance. Her "friends" who ostracized me for leaving her are now eating crow. In short she is getting what she deserves. And that is what people who use suicide threats for manipulation should get....humiliated. The thing is, she (my ex) may do it again, she's that stupid and sick. And what may happen is that when somebody else makes a suicide threat that IS for real, they may NOT be taken seriously. Remember the story of the boy who cried..."WOLF".