Got enough money off my old man to get quite a lot of fresh lychee juice, my thirst, up until now has been intense and unquenchable-anything I put in it save for icecubes came straight the fuck back up, sometimes within 20 sec.
Currently drinking ice-cold slushee type concoction of iced lychee juice served over cracked, crushed ice, which, after four days and 3 nights of BARELY being able to tolerate sips of ice water through ice cubes for limited time periods...mmmmmm....outer gods damn! being able to GULP down a liter portion of slushee in a few minutes and feel fine is absolute manna from heaven.
Gone from throwing up acid from a raw-scoured throat, traded for being repeatedly prone to bouts of hiccups...annoying, but the numbing, freezing cold is helpful...and oh so soothing and refreshing, calming on both stomach, it being less likely to reject anything sufficiently cold, and really nice and soothing of my burnt throat.
Just about to go refill on ice and lychee juice.
Just puked....a tiny, halfarsed not-even-projectile, non-brutally acidic squirt of a barf, which is a big improvement, tossing something like a tablespoon worth of fluid, in exchange for keeping the rest of a rapidly scarfed liter and a half or so down. Shouldn't guzzle, I know, I know, but when you can FINALLY sate the unrelenting thirst of almost a week, oh fuck it is too good not to.
Just as well I had a clean rig and needle to go though, as I couldn't keep oral antiemetics down long enough, and it would have just wasted my oxy too, and the only other way to get it in me would be to dissolve it and stick it up..well...nuff said, no thanks. Not until there IS no other way will I stick it up my arse'ole

*Slurps more lychee juice slush puppy on ice, over ice, with ice cubes floating in it, through a hollow ice cube, and is bloody well contented. GOD DAMN THIS IS GOOD!