Yes, I'm afraid so. BRCA1, the gen is called. She carries it and I might carry it myself also. Contemplating if I should have me tested for it at the moment. But ja, then, what? What difference does it make?
Well, me.. not so important.. just hope mother nature let her two daughters off the hook.
And yeah, food. Good proper food, the intake of it, is SO important. They still don't get it though. He, her husband, is basically a moron concerning this, I'm sorry to say. 'We eat well enough!' I had to shut my mouth too often, avoiding driving a wedge between us lot and not to go preaching about food for the last half year.
Well, she's making broths and soups herself now.. which I consider a good thing. Going to buy her, for sister's birthday soon, a proper chef's knife so maybe she grows a little bit more interest in cooking. Her/their kitchen knives, now, are awfully shite. Ridiculously so. Teach her to use it properly, too. Cat's claw and stuff..
Um, thinking now.. perhaps a pot with chives a/o parsley as a little hinting present could be a tadski helpful here also.