I too just found both pairs of my reading glasses. They had dropped behind my air conditioning unit I have in my room. I don't usually bother to wear my glasses just for day to day activities, but I need to for reading at any more than a couple of feet away, ever since an accident in the lab as a little kid; which was the result of my failing to predict an exothermic reaction, that caught me right in the face.
I've posted about that before. But that eye seems prone to misfortune. I'm not now really, but I used to be into pyrotechnics, I was shooting down conkers (the large, hard seeds of the horse chestnut tree, used by kids in britain to be threaded on a string for playing the game called ''conkers'' out of a tree with, essentially, one person holds their conker still, dangling in the air from its string, while the other does their best to flick their conker towards the opent. The winner is either the one who breaks the rival's conker fastest, or who survives the most of the attacker's conkers, breaking them in the process)
something that in principle, was basically a launcher for a rifle grenade-style shell, and the propellant charge ignited prematurely, load of hot sparks got me in the eye, and my face caught bunch of shell casing fragments. Luckily none of the shell casing ended up in my eye.
Still had to have it irrigated for something like 6-7 hours; which I might add, was fucking uncomfortable as shit.
Could have sworn my shades were in the same place too, but I can't find the twatting things ANYWHERE.
I think I'll get a new pair as soon as I get paid, if I can afford to after paying my old man back what I owe him, and getting myself the chainmail shirt I've been feasting my eyes on for ages now, I want some to go over my trench, and my shortish, but heavy and restrictive biker style leather coat, to serve as a nicely stylish weighted sensory toy.