My doc booked me in for an MRI scan on my bad knee today when I went in to see him. And I convinced him to increase my pain med dosage, I've gone from 40, to 60mg of oxycontin, twice daily.
Its not stopping the pain yet, still not enough, but its helping quite substantially. I've been finding it difficult even to take the stairs a lot of the time. Since I had run out on the evening before my appointment, and the oxy had worn off mostly, christ, I had to use just my upper body strength to get down the stairs.
And its handy, having my usual former dose of 40mg of OC, BD, gave me absolutely no room to fine-tune the timing, unless I broke them down to shoot up, but orally, theres no score to serve as a break line, as being a controlled/slow release preparation they aren't meant to be broken or snapped in half. Now I have the 2x40s per day, plus 2x20mg ones, which means I can say, take 20 per os in the morning for continuous slow release, and the morning 40 injected as usual (or rather, when I wake up...I don't DO mornings. Mornings are evil. Mornings should be banned. Lol, when I can sleep at all, I often only wake up at around 7pm

Damn glad things are getting to be made moving in the direction of fixing my knee, being referred for an MRI.
And fuck, all I can say, is none too soon. I've had this knee problem for going on 15 years, and I'm fed up of it. Not to mention getting my meds refilled being due today. Glad the anticonvulsant I'm on, chlormethiazole, is a damn effective, barbiturate-like sedative (I find that benzos in many cases, even with no recent usage history whatsoever, with most benzos, it takes an absolutely HUGE amount to knock me out and put me to sleep, and that some, such as diazepam, desmethyldiazepam, chlordiazepoxide and a few others, mainly those with oxazepam as an active metabolite, cause an uncomfortable paradoxical reaction)
Finally..I'm getting some good, proper refreshing sleep. Before, I'd slept maybe 2-3 hours in 3-4 days.