Went to the docs, because I've had another one of those awful adrenal storms that I've been suffering of late. Ended up leaving with my regular rx, almost 2 weeks early

I was very surprised indeed about that. The doc I saw, isn't exactly tight-fisted, but she isn't the kind that gives out pills as if they were candy. She doesn't mind giving me my script a day or two early, if I'm off for a sleepover with friends, as I regularly do with a couple of my mates, but 10 days? I'm shocked, to be honest. Although I am certainly not complaining

Just what I needed to shut it down, it had been tailing off, but I hadn't slept in days, mmmmm.....a nice fat shot of oxy is just what the doctor ordered, so to speak.
Got a nice cheap deal on some stilton cheese too. (no, not from the doctor

The adrenergic storms completely nuke any hint of an appetite, when they happen, I simply cannot eat a bite. Although they make me insatiably thirsty.
Just picked up a 2l bottle of raspberryade, and 4 pints of fosters. A nice, ice-cold pint is just what I need right now, perfect to wash down my snack of stilton on cream crackers:)