Well done him

I prefer deep water if I am going to get wet. Although I prefer to be under it, not had the chance to go scuba diving in ages though, other than in an abandoned quarry. And in the middle of winter in the UK, jesus H, do big sodding pits full of water ever get cold. Would much rather have got to do my training where I did my first diving, off the coast of turkey. As odd as it sounds, actually, getting an octopus stuck on my face was one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had
Such cute 'lil buggers they are.
Mmm....just started a pot of balm tea brewing, and the smell is heavenly. The smell of opium makes me gag just thinking about it, but even while just picking the balm, everything else was just overpowered. My kitchen smells of nothing but lemon/citrus fresh now, even with a pan full of ground up pods that have been brewed up, which I daresay, takes some doing. One of nature's own anticonvulsants too, which in my case is a good thing-I REALLY do not fancy another seizure at all, especially going face-first down the stairs.
Balm contains compounds which act as seemingly fairly potent inhibitors of GABA-transaminase, the enzyme that breaks down the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS, gamma-aminobutyric acid/GABA, along with modulating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors giving it memory-enhancing properties too.
Delicious, AND a nootropic/anticonvulsant. Beats pills thats for sure, all it needs is a little honey to sweeten and its perfect.