Eww...salad. Not if its me eating it it doesn't. Can't eat any veg.
I'm due to get a refill on my meds today, but I just found one, solitary, lonesome oxycontin 40 and a couple of 25 microgram clonidine pills.
Glad I switched to clonidine from tizanidine recently, its been a huge improvement. And while they both are, clonidine makes a fantastic potentiator for opioids. Lol I daresay I've taken quite a liking to mixing them in the same syringe.
Time to go draw up the second 2.5ml aliquot of H2O they are stewing in to get the last of the goodness out. A nice chance find just after waking up and going to the bog. Found two fags also. For some reason opioids always make me want to smoke more.
Better than coffee to start my day

Although I might just have a jug of hot lemon balm infusion with honey. Picked fresh from my garden (not the honey, although it would be lovely to have my own hives, bee populations are taking a massive crash thanks to disease:()
Although there is a bee's nest near one of the big bay windows. Folks wanted rid of it, but I did my best to stick up for them. Still there