I work, train, and show American Bulldogs. It was related to a bitch i have been training here called Amy who is very dominant and wants to fight anything in her way of becoming the alpha female. She is fine with dogs, i just have to separate her from other bitches.
The success i had referred to was that day i actually managed to walk her past one of my other bitches and she didn't kick off, growl, bark, or try to pull me. It is a work in progress, and although i know i will never leave her with my other girls for any length of time, i hope to be able to have her focused enough to walk by without a lead.
I only mentioned it as she has been really stubborn. I almost 'gave up' with her, never had to work so hard to get even this limited result.
So, i was chuffed, a bit like a dog with two cocks! hence the post. You lot are smutty 
Interesting and very cool. Does that mean if we have dog training questions, we can send them your way? What worked to get her calmer/focused?
Yes i would be happy to talk 'dog' until the cows come home.
It's all reward based. Sometimes i use a clicker, but i tried this with her and she didn't get it. Had to really think this one through...
When dogs are in a 'pack' scenario you might expect a bit of trouble to start with - while they sort out their positions. Once top dog is established they usually sort themselves no problem. A dog right at the bottom of the pecking order can still be happy once they know their place. Trouble might occur if a dog shows weakness and the one behind tries to take it's place. Amy is definitely top dog but was unusual because she would try and take out the next one in line. She would make a 'b' line for her.
She also quite obviously forgot that actually i am top dog! I only have four here at the moment and they all respond to my commands, but Amy had a selective deafness.
It is hard to explain briefly, so apologies for my essay. Anyway i decided to 'lead from the top' and this meant re-establishing our positions (me and amy) I should just explain that the dogs are all housed seperately, but they can all see each other. They have a waterproof igloo inside a 16ft chain mesh run which is roofed to about 12ft ( i say this because people somehow think it cruel to keep dogs outside so i like to point out that they are only exposed to the elements if and when they choose to be ) Anyway i decided to move Amy away from the block, totally. She went in solitary and could not even see the others. I did this knowing how 'social' they are, but i substituted their company for mine. I have not been able to devote so much time in ages due to having my own little one, but he started school in September so i have been spending much of my day with her. Basically i have been 'fun' for three weeks, also she has to do some basic commands every time i go in there, and i praise her lots and always have some cheese on me for rewards. Gradually i got her to walk past the kennels, using the cheese, and praise. Then got closer and closer until today she walked past the number two dog who was freely in the garden.

Fucking hell i have written a book!
Anyway, here are the players

This is 'top dog' Amy.

This is bella (a.k.a. Izzy/ Isabella) she is number two

Number three...this is Star. Named 'Lone Star' as she was the only surviving pup in a whole litter.

Last but not least meet Dixie, who is still just a baby.
I am considering moving her back to her old kennel, if not tomorrow sometime next week. I have my fingers crossed.