Birds are finally moving into the birdhouse we got for Christmas!
I was starting to worry I had picked a bad spot. It's protected and high enough but it's also close to the sunroom windows where we can easily observe it. It's a duplex birdhouse and a pair of carolina wrens have been building a nest together in one side of it. 
Like Reneaden said, Awesome!
I built some birdhouses last year, but only got three of them up. One is occupied by some common and mundane (but I love them anyway) thrushes.
Oddly one of them is claimed, but by a barn swallow couple. They build mud nests and on the top of one I set out last fall I have a mud nest with a healthy looking barn swallow setting happy.
I don't think there is any occupant inside the house, just a mud nest on top.

The third one is too close to where an owl roosts, I think. I probably need to move it.