I would not actually call this "good" in an overall sense, but I stubbed my toe rather severely hustling around doing stuff.
No bones broken. That's the GOOD part, but my big toe nail split in half.
Not like longitudinally as when most folks' nails split, but a massive layer came off the top.
All my nails are more like hooves than people nails, super thick, grow super fast, almost impossible to cut without the best specialized equipment. Nope, those high dollar Revlon products just bend and fail. I use my Channelock 8" dikes to cut my toenails. Nothing else gets through them.
I do use the best Revlon toenail cutter to trim my fingernails, because it takes that kind of power to even begin cutting on my nails.
Some blood, but after a bit I got the broken part whittled down enough to see WTF was going on.
I was bumping around after a bath with no shoes on.
'at'll learn me! Wear your fucking shoes!