I share my netflix with the girl and she shares her hulu with me.
We also have cable, but that's for Sugarbutt. I don't even know how to operate the tv. 
About a year and a half ago, just before we moved into this new home, I went through a lot of stuff, trying to streamline and found that we were actually paying for multiple subscriptions on some things. Prime for instance, we all had our own Amazon accounts, that's FOUR!!. With Netflix we had two, Hulu was a part of our cell service, Roku had three of us hooked up, but I eliminated three duplicates in one day.
The kids will sit with their cellphones and cast shit to the TV system without thinking, just having fun. If there is a subscription needed they just ckick right through and go on watching on TV what they had going on the hand held device.
My mom used to say that my brother and I were severely "underslapped" kids. Meaning we were spoiled and deserved even more slaps than we had recieved.
I probably need to look into it again. Not the slaps so much as the subscriptions that could be dupe of what we are already paying.