This was yesterday, but we finally got home from QLD. We didn't even have to unpack the snorkelling kit once during the voyage 
We managed to get from Bundaberg to Brisbane on Sunday (god knows how), then Brisbane to home in NSW yesterday.
My uncle lives in Toowoomba and he lives on a hill so his house isn't flooded but he said the roads are cut off all round.
That's quite amazing that you got home ok. There's more storms and rain forecast for northern NSW. Are your cats and house ok?
Ipswich to Toowoomba looks open now. We went from Brisbane to Warwick and home via the New England Hwy, because the Pacific Hwy is shut from like Tweed to Grafton

My brother helped navigate us from Bundy to Brisbane and around Gympie, Caboolture and Morayfield. It seemed like every road we were directed down just lead to another flooded road. I lost count of how many times we had to look at the QLD traffic map to find another way.
My place is ok and up high. I left it all locked up tight, and the court yard is as I left it so I guess there wasn't any wild weather while I was away.
My younger cat stinks like a cat that's been in really bad fights, so I'm not sure what happened during his little holiday. I have this cavity above my fridge that he likes to jump up into and hide when he's stressed so he's been jumping up into there a fair bit today.