Plums happened.
I bought them last thursday or friday, but I also bought berries so they had to be eaten first. I was leery of the plums because I've been burnt three times by really crappy nectarines this year so I've been avoiding the stone fruits, but man are the plums super good. After them plums will be watermelon, the first one of the season. I always feel like watermelons are a little like gambling, so I also got a pineapple in case the melon is a bust. Wish me luck. 
good luck

I had strawberries, yesterday for the first time in a couple of years. I'd decided it was too big a gamble ordering straws from the online supermsrkets; can't see what you're getting, and they are too often disappointing. But this week i softened and ordered some anyway. And got sent a punnet of tiny, super-fresh super-sweet strawberries, just exactly as described in the customer reviews. Ofc, you can't expect consistent quality with fresh produce. I wasn't expecting that, but that's what I got, and they are fricking delicious (I still have some in the fridge for today) and only cost a quid ( it being the height of the strawberry season; Bet i could get three punnets for that price at the local market).
I think i'll gamble on them next week, too.