I moved patio furniture from one side of the acreage to the other and set up a nice little sitting area in a place where it will be used more.
Sounds like your setting up a little bower! My adopted Mum-in-law in Alberta Canada has had one for many years. Setup underneath the shelter of a massive evergreen tree. And that's exactly what she called it, her bower. I did try to make one at our house in Fryeburg Maine. But, it took a little climbing up and down a steep incline and never amounted to much. More like a tree cave.
Nice place for me to hide out from Jehovah's Witnesses! 
I have the best memories of the bower at my grandparents home. It was under this massive old weeping willow. I'm not sure yet where I'll set this one up. I had originally thought the paved square right outside the glass sliding doors at the back of the house but due to the placement of the bbq, our view would be of a brick wall of the house which isn't what I was aiming for.

The furniture is bigger than I expected now that I see it in the space.
But your post reminded me that under the big old birch tree could be an option. We have a fire pit table thing to set up as well. Just have to see if it's stable enough there. That could be a really pretty arrangement. Although HB would be pissed to constantly have to move the furniture every time we cut the lawn with the tractor. lol