Actually, i think it might possibly have been albatross poop. Now
that would be really unusual in the uk.
i say that because of a comical bit of bird behaviour i happened to witness the other day, There was this seemingly undersized crow perched on the the guttering across the road , right next to the biggest fucking seagull that i ever saw in my life. The thing totally dwarfed the little crow, but I was too taken up with watching their behavior to think about how the hell a gulll could have grown that big, though i did notice that it's bill was curiously rounded, and vaguely surmised that it couldn;t really be a gull, must be something else.
Anyway, the crow kept edging closer and closer to the "gull" until the gull chased it off with a show of agression'. But it didn't withdraw very far, and instantly resumed edging closer. Rinse and repeat through several iterations until suddenly the gull had enough and took off, flying over my rooftop (yep, in the generasl direction of the capark

) with the little crow in pursuit.
Love or what?

Now, it suddenly strikes me that the "gull"could have been an abatross. I just checked out some albatross images, and yeah: it looked just like one of those. Ooooh. Now that's more interesting than birdshit on cars , isn't it