I am so very glad that my homeless son is forced by covid-19 to remain here for the forseeabe. never mind that most of the contents of my wardrobe are permanently ranged abiout the living room , cos there isn't room in that tiny bedroom for two people;s clothing etc etc, nor is there another closet to put stuff like that in . It is well worth all the the inconvenience .
the day before yesterday, i asked him to take the rubbish out to the communal bins , and he answered "äfter it gets dark" (cos he's still intensely social -phobic) . Predictably, it still hadn;t been done, but then a few minutes back i was cussing to9 myself about some minor inconveniece at the kitchen end of the living room , when he suddenly leapt to his feet, declaring "Yeah! I'll do it right now"
"Do what, right now? "i asked in puzzlement .
"Do this right now,"" he responded with a gleeful grin. and straightway performed an extremely silly dance that had me laughing my socks off. I swear it knocked the Pythons' silly walk into a cocked hat. Wish i had a video.
"Í dunnop what i'll do next, though"" he added, before strolling over to extract the bulging bin bag from the bin
Hmm,you can evidently get away with being lazy as fuck round here. just so long as you're cute, and funny

. Which he indubitably is, in occasional flashes , just like the sun suddenly bursting through his black clouds of depresssion . And it's an absolute joy to behold