World, don't ever try to say that Australia never gave you anything.
We gave you an insane dunny paper stockpiling obsession. You can thank us later!
I wondered what "dunny paper"' is for a second or several. i kinda imagined it as something like brown (dun) parcel paper

Seemed like the sort of sweet chillike obsession that some creative people (especially autistic ones) have. came very close to googling the stuff, before the penny suddenly dropped.
Huh. Something much more normal and boring. Shoulda known. But anyways, this isn't a new thing. Since stockpiling became a big issue, i keep getting flashbbacks a song called "Cheepnis"by Zappa and the Mothers c 1973 which contains the immortal words
"C'mon! everybody! let's go!
Get the distilled water! get the canned goods!
Get the toilet paper! you know we need it!
Go to da shelter
My baby, my baby
Go to da shelter
Go to da shelter"
Going further back, my Granddad semi-reliably informed me that. in his day people had to use torn up newspapers instead. They were
that poor, ya see? i have since wondered what the heck people were supposed to do if (like me, at rather too many junctures in my life) they were too poor to afford a daily newspaper

Maybe things have changed in more ways than we know, but newspapers are certainly a heckover lot more pricey than that quaint old dunny paper stuff, aren't they?
I also wonder how they cleaned the newsprint off their bum?