My former employer contacted me for a consulting gig. Now wondering how much to charge for my services.
Yay income! 
Yes, and vindication. They let me go, you know.
It's better to be a contractor than an employee, though. I don't have to suffer through one-on-ones or care about office politics or ask permission to attend a conference. Not that the latter is an option anyway, for the time being. 

reminds me of my late friend, David (who briefly appeared here as Teddy Bear) . He worked in property management for years and year,s for a pretty modest salary, being seriosly put upon by residents and Board of Directors to rthe point that he barely had a life of his own (having been silly enough to purchase an apartment for himself on the very estate he was managing. Seemed like a good idea at the time). The extra out-of-hours work was not in his contract. He just happened to be a nice helpful sort. His flat was just a normal private flat,
not the ""manager''s office" (which was situated in a different block) but peope rarely respected the distinction.
Then, on fine day. the Directors decided they couldn't afford a full time manager any more, and drastically reduced his hours. He quit and got another job somewhere else. Not long therafter, they approached him with tail between their legs and brought him back as a contactor; which effectively meant reduced hours, better pay;
and he steadfastly refused to go beyond the call of duty after that