Good, maybe, but FUNNY for sure.
I was drifting slowly through traffic downtown when a cool looking biker dude about my age ground his way up to my side door. I noticed he is checking out my car from head to toe. I am driving my Chevy Traverse, windows up, AC blasting cold air, stereo comforting, etc. It was ninety six degrees out there and this Harley rider is checking out my car.
Not really nervous yet, after all, I have my forty five on my hip and I do not see any more bikers around.
He suddenly gave me a big "Thumb up." I returned the gesture, but at this point the dog became curious as to what was going on and jumped over the console and into the front seat, checking out the bike and looking very happy.
The biker dude immediately upon seeing the dog in the car grinned from ear to ear and gave me another Double Thumbs Up!
As not so cool as it is driving around in a Soccer Mom's grocery getter, AC on high, seemed a bit less suck town with the heat, but when he saw I had my dog with me, I was just fine with him.