Of course not! Having opinions you don’t agree with and unintentionally making you butthurt for no reason! Things like that!
You are overreacting to nothing. Seriously. Practice what you preach about “dealing with your butthurt.”
I’ve been curious as to your marital status for a while. I didn’t bother to ask because I figured you wouldn’t reply. I just admitted an internal thought in aspie fashion and you show us your sensitive side.
I can very much see your POV , here, DFG. But, the trouble is that you jumped in on Scrap's tail, didn't you? You even quoted him. And Scrap was not only being snide little bastard , he was knowingly
resurrecting an issue which should never have been thrown into the public arena in the first place. It is odeon's (and everybody else's) prerogative to keep his private life private if he so wishes. But then somebody from I^2 went and committed the
criminal act of stalking Odeon, RL, as well as doxxing him online .
If we can't understand the implications of all that and show a bit of belated respect, then we're not just spazzes, we are fucking morons.