Called out of work on a snowy icy day. Walmart don't give a shit about me, so I don't give a shit about walmart!
That's the right way to look at it. As I've seen posted in various phrasings,
don't kill yourself for a job that would replace you within a week if you died.
Hell, they would have my job posted before my corpse was cold! 
Got told off massively, years ago, when doing that. On one of the rare days we did have proper snow. They threatened to sack me etc. (Not Walmart, we don't have that here.) I did not go.
Year after I left there, there was serious black ice. Two employees decided to come in anyway,after they had been told off. One now has the experience of losing his coworker sitting next to him in the car.
Sometimes I meet old colleagues. One even stil works at that firm. Rules have become more humane, apparently. But heck, it took the life of J to get them that sensible. J was one of the joyous co-workers. Nothing got her down, till this happened. She was quite exceptional.