Quite randomly, on my way back from picking some prescriptions up from the pharmacy in the local village (there are nearer ones, but the rest open at 9am at the earliest, this one is both a late night and early morning place, which opens at 8am, same as the clinic I'd go to to pick the prescription forms themselves up, so it makes sense to set out just before 8am, to time my arrival to when the surgery opens, pick them up and carry on to the early/late pharmacy) ended up with, free, half a joint. Had asked for a spare smoke, and assumed what I was given, was a rollup.
It wasn't. I thought, before lighting it, that I could smell a funny odour (with it in my trouser pocket at the time), that wasn't from any of the flasks of chemicals in the kitchen, that have had to have a home where there was no room in the lab, but, seeing as I hadn't a lighter or matches while I was out, and it was windy anyway, I'd had to wait until I was home for a quick morning smoke. Lit it, and found out it was no rollup, but a doobie instead!.
A most pleasant surprise, especially after walking several miles there and back in the cold and the wind, and while I usually use an e-cig, it doesn't hit the same spot so to speak, with nicotine alone as the active constituent of the liquid (I.e not counting propylene glycol, flavouring, any colourings in the flavouring and other minor ingredients in them), as tobacco does, although I've cut down an awful lot compared to what I used to smoke. I still appreciate a cigar in the morning with my first morphine shot. Something about the pair really goes together like golden syrup on top of hot porridge, or lemon balm as a strong, hot decoction, still steaming, when making a cup of lady grey tea, or white teas, used instead of water. They just 'work' if that makes sense.
But a joint, even better, by a long way!. And a joint when you think you are going to be having an ordinary rollup? better still

That put quite a smile on my face. A very nice surprise indeed, all the more so for my not expecting it.