Thats the band that used to be joy division, no? great band IMO.
As for me, a certain little something came for me, right at the moment that it was required to avert a tight spot of unpleasant nature.
And another good one, been playing fallout tactics today, and while on the way to a mission, with the squad driving an APC (itself unarmed, but tough as nails, not particularly fast, but if anything hostile gets in the way, it has no problem at all just driving straight over them and squishing them

Was facing off against mutants, if you haven't played the game, thing real big, uglier than they are big, tough as hell, dumber than all three put together and the result multiplied by itself, and as vicious as the day is long, plus with a rather nasty habit of carrying very heavy weaponry, using squad-level machineguns and .50 cal autocannons one-handed, the way a man might fire a .22 airpistol.
My squad was to say the least, well armed, however, a mixture of sniper rifles for long-range work, FN-FAL assault rifles, one with a sniper rifle and an automatic combat shotgun loaded with what are essentially, shells packed with a shitload of finned darts, that shred meat (usually on two legs...occasionally on four or no legs mind you) as if going through tissue paper, kind of like grapeshot, as fired from oldschool sailing warships, one with a sniper rifle and slugs, the rest carrying either sniper rifle and mid-weight machineguns, one with a browning .50 cal autocannon in one hand and a lighter 7.62mm SAW machinegun in the other, as my heavy weapons specialist, although plenty of them know what they are doing with heavy weaponry and energy weapons, plus one, rather...unusual recruit. Unusual in that she isn't human, she's (this is a post-nuclear holocaust game, like the rest of the fallout (from where the name comes, no surprise there) series) a deathclaw. Think mutated chameleon, only bigger, much, much bigger, big enough to tower over even the biggest human, stealthy as hell, REALLY fast and good at getting the drop on unsuspecting enemies and tearing them to little pieces with claws as long as a man's arm before they ever realize she's there; and with a carry-weight of about 350 pounds of equipment. Can't use armor or firearms, although there are a few weapons that count as 'unarmed', such as one called a power-fist, basically a big hefty metal gauntlet bristling with spikes and carrying an electrical charge, good for splattering enemies into little meat-chunks, rather than leaving corpses, and being a melee focused character, she is very accurate with it, its close range only, but when she gets there, and she does it damned quick, she has a 95% chance of, with an aimed blow, smacking the foe right in the eyes, which surprisingly enough, does horrific damage with that electrified, spiked metal giant fist, if it doesn't kill them outright with a single blow, not unusual considering its being delivered by a monstrous great mutated lizard, that, were she given tracks rather than feet would probably qualify for a mediumweight tank.
No guns, but serves very well as a pack mule, able to carry enough additional equipment for the entire 6 person squad, and can use grenades better than any of them.
Thought I'd wiped out the lot of the mutants, parking the APC behind a rock formation as cover, and opening up on them with the lot, leaving not much more than a pile of wet pink chunky stuff behind.
Had my tech specialist type get out to repair some minor damage to the APC, only to have another big, stupid vicious great bastard charge out from a gap between the rocks that I'd been using to snipe from whilst avoiding return fire, drive a little bit out past one rock, passing the gap, letting the squad loose hell from the APC and parking behind the other rock formation, lather, rinse, repeat, leave big pile of corpses no matter which way the buggers came.
Thought the fight over. It wasn't. One left. Packing an antitank rocket launcher and armor-piercing rounds for it. Straight through the crack, although the snipers put a hail of rounds into it, and the trooper with the shotgun let off a burst of fire at close range, it was 'mother', the big buggering lizard rescued in another mission, who joined out of gratitude for saving her and her young, who saved the day, and the arses of the squad and the APC (not that the latter is much use without living drivers), I'd sent her out to loot the dead, until the last mutant thug ran out to take a near point blank range potshot with the rocket launcher at the APC from a few feet away (I did say they weren't very bright :LOL1:)
And stunned somewhat by being riddled with bullets, although not killed, the big lizard squad member made good use of those lightening quick reactions and chucked a grenade, reducing the wounded mutant to squishy bits before it got a shot off. Leaving another corpse to loot, with the rocket launcher (the squad already has several members carrying them, though, and plenty of regular HE, armor-piercing and armor-piercing sabot rounds, but another plus 5-6 of them and additional rounds in the APC, all stolen from the bodies of those stupid enough to get close enough to try and use them, one more just means one more to sell back at base, and the armor-piercing rocket ammunition is somewhat uncommon, so those, I'll hang onto for dealing with heavily armored targets that pose enough danger to need to take out straight away.
All in all, nicely done, got quite a few of the enemy squad with some clever shots, aiming into a crowd that the actual target, would only have a few percent chance to actually hit them, whilst the ones behind, a guaranteed miss, using the miss, to spray the ones I technically COULD have hit but almost certainly wouldn't with bullets, killed quite a lot of them with trick-shots like that, and that last one would have done a LOT of damage, especially close up like that, albeit with little chance that it would have survived pulling the trigger at that range. (when I said 'stupid', that really doesn't come close.)
And aside from the lizard-warrior charging a group of the mutants packing machineguns (can't wear armor, she is just too damn big, but she doesn't really need to, since she is a real hard-case, and won't be killed by anything less than a full squad all burst-firing heavy weapons or the more powerful energy weapons, even accidentally running her over with the APC a couple of times only stunned her and pinned her to the floor until the driver of the APC moved over her to let her up!), she did need a little medical attention after charging into the group of machinegun-wielding mutant soldiers, along with using a rapid acting personal medical pack, but not before ripping the closest one apart, hand to hand (or hand to electrified, spiked metal giant fist) and getting nasty with frag and napalm grenades. Did look a little sore afterwards, but nothing the squad's best medic couldn't patch up right away.