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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6675 on: June 20, 2018, 02:22:42 PM »

I made out with myself. Om nom nom nom

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6676 on: June 20, 2018, 06:03:46 PM »
Bad advice mate, shouldn't have told mcdanglyfag to do that. You don't really want a world with ANOTHER mcpencildick in it do you? little fucker is pathetic enough now, without having to add a danglefag 2.0, and at that, one that A-has one parent, which is both it's mother AND father, and when 'daddy' is actually mommy number II, because the parent is a little bitch. AND has to go through the terrible twos and threes etc. do you?

Because that sounds like the perfect recipe for a family so dysfunctional that if josef fritzl appeared as a family guy character, keeping donald trump in his basement as a fucktoy, he'd look like a positive paragon of normalcy and stability in comparison.

And hey, too many kids are being born to NT parents and turning out NT themselves as a result, you don't want to add another little kid which will only end up born half cooked as the consequence of such a self-mating.

Besides, the world really already has way more than its fair share of squalling, squawking, whiny little NT lumps of coagulated putrescent afterbirth and bile hanging around. We need a huge shipment of barrels full of industrial-strength pesticide already, without adding another slack jawed, empty headed pencil-dicked, bitter and twisted spineless loser to the ever growing heap of primate-esque vapid, shitspeaking dross.

Although I will say this much for mcdanglefag, I think he really is the cream of society.

Because cream floats to the top, and just like that, so to does the kind of shit that just won't seem to flush, float :LOL:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6677 on: June 20, 2018, 06:40:23 PM »

How often do you 2 masterbate? Sounds like a real bromance in the making, with yourselves of course.

Maybe you should stop hurting yourselves and actually get a life? Battered autistic babies deserve every bit of grief that they receive. Learn from it

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6678 on: June 20, 2018, 07:49:52 PM »
I may have fixed my fridge thanks to several members' help. Will monitor for a few days and see if it backs up again.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6679 on: June 21, 2018, 05:26:35 AM »
Elsewhere I posted that my mum hadn't texted me from hospital where she had her knee replacement done.

Well this afternoon she called me and seemed pretty cheerful though in some pain. She doesn't like taking pain medication, much the same as me. A knee replacement operation is pretty brutal and Mum said there is a lot of swelling. She will be on crutches for some time and has been given exercises to do.

I am just so happy that she's ok. Best thing to happen for quite some time.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6680 on: June 22, 2018, 04:11:47 PM »
Got my ticket for New Order!!! :headbang2:
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6681 on: June 23, 2018, 11:18:22 AM »
Thats the band that used to be joy division, no? great band IMO.

As for me, a certain little something came for me, right at the moment that it was required to avert a tight spot of unpleasant nature.

And another good one, been playing fallout tactics today, and while on the way to a mission, with the squad driving an APC (itself unarmed, but tough as nails, not particularly fast, but if anything hostile gets in the way, it has no problem at all just driving straight over them and squishing them :autism:)

Was facing off against mutants, if you haven't played the game, thing real big, uglier than they are big, tough as hell, dumber than all three put together and the result multiplied by itself, and as vicious as the day is long, plus with a rather nasty habit of carrying very heavy weaponry, using squad-level machineguns and .50 cal autocannons one-handed, the way a man might fire a .22 airpistol.

My squad was to say the least, well armed, however, a mixture of sniper rifles for long-range work, FN-FAL assault rifles, one with a sniper rifle and an automatic combat shotgun loaded with what are essentially, shells packed with a shitload of finned darts, that shred meat (usually on two legs...occasionally on four or no legs mind you) as if going through tissue paper, kind of like grapeshot, as fired from oldschool sailing warships, one with a sniper rifle and slugs, the rest carrying either sniper rifle and mid-weight machineguns, one with a browning .50 cal autocannon in one hand and a lighter 7.62mm SAW machinegun in the other, as my heavy weapons specialist, although plenty of them know what they are doing with heavy weaponry and energy weapons, plus one, rather...unusual recruit. Unusual in that she isn't human, she's (this is a post-nuclear holocaust game, like the rest of the fallout (from where the name comes, no surprise there) series) a deathclaw. Think mutated chameleon, only bigger, much, much bigger, big enough to tower over even the biggest human, stealthy as hell, REALLY fast and good at getting the drop on unsuspecting enemies and tearing them to little pieces with claws as long as a man's arm before they ever realize she's there; and with a carry-weight of about 350 pounds of equipment. Can't use armor or firearms, although there are a few weapons that count as 'unarmed', such as one called a power-fist, basically a big hefty metal gauntlet bristling with spikes and carrying an electrical charge, good for splattering enemies into little meat-chunks, rather than leaving corpses, and being a melee focused character, she is very accurate with it, its close range only, but when she gets there, and she does it damned quick, she has a 95% chance of, with an aimed blow, smacking the foe right in the eyes, which surprisingly enough, does horrific damage with that electrified, spiked metal giant fist, if it doesn't kill them outright with a single blow, not unusual considering its being delivered by a monstrous great mutated lizard, that, were she given tracks rather than feet would probably qualify for a mediumweight tank.

No guns, but serves very well as a pack mule, able to carry enough additional equipment for the entire 6 person squad, and can use grenades better than any of them.

Thought I'd wiped out the lot of the mutants, parking the APC behind a rock formation as cover, and opening up on them with the lot, leaving not much more than a pile of wet pink chunky stuff behind.

Had my tech specialist type get out to repair some minor damage to the APC, only to have another big, stupid vicious great bastard charge out from a gap between the rocks that I'd been using to snipe from whilst avoiding return fire, drive a little bit out past one rock, passing the gap, letting the squad loose hell from the APC and parking behind the other rock formation, lather, rinse, repeat, leave big pile of corpses no matter which way the buggers came.

Thought the fight over. It wasn't. One left. Packing an antitank rocket launcher and armor-piercing rounds for it. Straight through the crack, although the snipers put a hail of rounds into it, and the trooper with the shotgun let off a burst of fire at close range, it was 'mother', the big buggering lizard rescued in another mission, who joined out of gratitude for saving her and her young, who saved the day, and the arses of the squad and the APC (not that the latter is much use without living drivers), I'd sent her out to loot the dead, until the last mutant thug ran out to take a near point blank range potshot with the rocket launcher at the APC from a few feet away (I did say they weren't very bright :LOL1:)

And stunned somewhat by being riddled with bullets, although not killed, the big lizard squad member made good use of those lightening quick reactions and chucked a grenade, reducing the wounded mutant to squishy bits before it got a shot off. Leaving another corpse to loot, with the rocket launcher (the squad already has several members carrying them, though, and plenty of regular HE, armor-piercing and armor-piercing sabot rounds, but another plus 5-6 of them and additional rounds in the APC, all stolen from the bodies of those stupid enough to get close enough to try and use them, one more just means one more to sell back at base, and the armor-piercing rocket ammunition is somewhat uncommon, so those, I'll hang onto for dealing with heavily armored targets that pose enough danger to need to take out straight away.

All in all, nicely done, got quite a few of the enemy squad with some clever shots, aiming into a crowd that the actual target, would only have a few percent chance to actually hit them, whilst the ones behind, a guaranteed miss, using the miss, to spray the ones I technically COULD have hit but almost certainly wouldn't with bullets, killed quite a lot of them with trick-shots like that, and that last one would have done a LOT of damage, especially close up like that, albeit with little chance that it would have survived pulling the trigger at that range. (when I said 'stupid', that really doesn't come close.)

And aside from the lizard-warrior charging a group of the mutants packing machineguns (can't wear armor, she is just too damn big, but she doesn't really need to, since she is a real hard-case, and won't be killed by anything less than a full squad all burst-firing heavy weapons or the more powerful energy weapons, even accidentally running her over with the APC a couple of times only stunned her and pinned her to the floor until the driver of the APC moved over her to let her up!), she did need a little medical attention after charging into the group of machinegun-wielding mutant soldiers, along with using a rapid acting personal medical pack, but not before ripping the closest one apart, hand to hand (or hand to electrified, spiked metal giant fist) and getting nasty with frag and napalm grenades. Did look a little sore afterwards, but nothing the squad's best medic couldn't patch up right away.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6682 on: June 23, 2018, 08:21:50 PM »
Deutschland scored on a set play at 90+5' to beat Sweden 2-1.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6683 on: June 23, 2018, 10:00:07 PM »
That fallout-tactics heavy weapons specialist chick that I have on the squad on the current game I'm playing, seems like even when I'm NOT trying to pull something fancy, she's getting in the habit of trick shots. Just spent a while setting three of the squad, plus her, up to bushwhack some big ugly mutated git with a browning M2 autocannon, capable of doing a LOT of damage, or killing a heavily armored squad member outright. Never got the chance to use the surprise attack I had set up, because I had her try for a shot, with an M2 of her own, and when not weighed down, she is pretty damn fast, got the one I was aiming for, not difficult, a close up meatgrinder of a shot, and she ended up taking out another, way, way, way across the map, whilst my grenadier/big buggering great lizard critter was sneaking up on the other side of the fence to the second enemy, meaning to either off him, or flush him out where it'd be easier to leave him full of holes, or else have him run close enough to the corner where someone was waiting in ambush with a flamethrower and make BBQ out of him. Only the time was sort of wasted, by the fact that the heavy weapons specialist not only hit, but made mincemeat out of the second enemy, taking them both out with one shot, when at the range she pulled that one off, even my best sniper wouldn't have stood a chance, and she is very, very talented in that area. Being the one I use when I want to pull off a shot right to the eye of an enemy (literally, you can aim for different bodyparts to different effect in fallout games, to the eyes, especially a critical hit, is about as devastating as you can get, no surprise there) and do it at long range. But this one particular squaddie, the heavy-weapons specialist, in just this one mission she isn't just picking them off, but racking up a bodycount measured by the heap, rather than the corpse, to the point they are hard to loot, because the cursor has to be over the body..or bits of one, and they all end up kind of mixed up, as if they'd been run through a blender.

Now if that won't give a soldier PTSD afterwards, rummaging around in a pile of squishy pink and greyish yellow...bits of things...for extra ammunition, grenades  etc. I don't know what will. I should imagine the sight of somebody, mutated or otherwise, trying it on with a crowbar and ending up with it, along with his head, arms, legs and assorted bits of armor in place of his internal organs must be somewhat traumatic for the average soldier :spazz: This one just seems to get worse and more messy. I suppose they should be thankful I'm only having her use her .50 caliber autocannon and 7.62mm machinegun, rather than the rocket launcher and minigun she has for...erm..I'd say sidearms, but I don't think they qualify. For that, she's got a .50 desert eagle and a sledgehammer. And it seems like she got out of the bed on the wrong side today, and she's pissed. Wiping out entire squads and scarcely taking a scratch.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6684 on: June 24, 2018, 12:31:07 AM »
Deutschland scored on a set play at 90+5' to beat Sweden 2-1.

Not a good thing. >:(
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6685 on: June 24, 2018, 08:32:16 AM »
Deutschland scored on a set play at 90+5' to beat Sweden 2-1.

Not a good thing. >:(

It was for me!!! :headbang2: :asthing:
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6686 on: June 24, 2018, 03:41:45 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6687 on: June 24, 2018, 04:45:05 PM »

I'm German!!!

My name is 15 letters long and about as German as you can get.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6688 on: June 24, 2018, 11:21:04 PM »
Didn't know that.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6689 on: June 25, 2018, 03:21:14 PM »
Just discovered a couple of useful and interesting things about a catalyst I have at times being making use of in a specific type of microwave irradiation-mediated reaction, to absolutely fantastic effect, something I came up with myself, in terms of pioneering it's use. What I hadn't realized is that its sort of a binary mixture, with 5-10% of another compound in it, that I hadn't realized was there and which certainly could be very important in the activity of this particular catalyst being so high, with such great efficiency at doing the job I need it to do, albeit with a little modification of my own. It might not be, or it might even be mostly responsible for the efficacy with which it performs its task.

The reaction yields are massively, massively, vastly improved compared to the often-used catalysts for the job, and while I didn't come up with the idea of using a MW to irradiate the reaction mixture, someone else did that, but I did begin to use it and tinker with it until I got it working really well; to the point where I turned a job that took six or seven full hours just for the heating, using a steam or hot water bath.

The MW method with my catalyst, it gives far better yields of a product of much better purity, and cuts the time it takes to finish up from 6-7 hours, nay, slashes it, right down to as low as 15 to 20 minutes, although still experimenting with reaction timing (the time mentioned there is total irradiation time keeping at peak temperature for the needs of the reaction), with manual control, measuring temperature with a non-mercury or galinstan thermometer due to the Hg or gallium-indium-tin alloy being metallic, and in a microwave, that isn't a good thing, and least of all when the reaction mixture contains a highly flammable nitro-compound as solvent and reactant, along with another flammable substance, NOT something that should have something sparking and arcing inside it. So an alcohol type is to be used, since digital thermocouples, etc. would end up extra-crispy because of the microwave irradiation.

And after setting the time, pulsing the MW, taking regular temperature readings with bursts of 10s or so, depending on how far one is in to the reaction itself, even on a molar scale, with a large volume of reactants its done and ready to be crystallized, purified and recrystallized. Just with cooling as and  when needed, particularly after the first irradiation cycle, and once the irradiation cycles are complete, it is to be placed in a cold water bath then an iced water bath before transfer to the freezer for crystallization, if a cosolvent hasn't been used to make the catalyst more tractable in handling, if so then that has to be distilled out first under vacuum with the reaction mixture at room temperature or just above it.

Yields though are fantastic, through the damn roof in fact (no, not the flask and the microwave being launched through the ceiling )

Now, some specific research is needed to determine which specific portion of the catalyst is contributing what, by buying several chemicals in their pure form, and using different ratios and also testing components alone, plus with my modification to them, and comparing yields under otherwise identical conditions  and timings, with, and without co-solvent. Particularly interested in one that makes up somewhere between 5-10% of the total, until the modification is performed on it and  addition of any co-solvent.

So I can really nail it down and figure out precisely  what conditions will be in a  fully optimized reaction. And  also tests on scaling vs time, to determine how time affects yield with runs of different quantities of reactants (which themselves, bar the catalyst and any co-solvent for the reaction,  are almost always either run at a 1:1 scale, or with a slight excess of one of the reactants to serve as  a slight addition of  solvent, mainly for the purpose of ensuring that the other reactant is fully consumed and made best use of, with the rest of it being recovered by vacuum distillation and fractionation of the mixture, or rather, any liquors left post-reaction, because the reactant used in slight excess is very valuable indeed, and most difficult to get hold of safely, because it is watched like a hawk by various agencies that I most certainly will not suffer to have knowledge of my obtaining any. So naturally, I have to be rather careful with who and where I do business to get it. Could make it, but it would need some quite a lot of silver based chemicals, which when used for something like a molar scale, even though the Ag content is recovered of course, that means expensive. And the need for an alkyl iodide, means that its expensive even more, with the iodine being needed quite large which, due to the high molecular weight, as iodine is a quite heavy element, means the cost is made greater. Have been wondering if I could use the silver salt of tosic acid (p-toluenesulfonic acid), which too is a great leaving group, even better than the iodide anion, and tosic acid or tosic anhydride would make it cheaper, and possibly more effective, if it works. Although I've always just been able to buy it from sources I have who take discretion as the watch word by which to live, a most admirable thing among chemical suppliers.

Anyhow, have been having wonderful results with this catalyst, now I need to do some research into it to see how exactly it is working, given the new things learned about it having a previously unknown component in it at 5-10%, well I know how, I just need to perform the research into which bits are contributing what, so that I can get the reaction AND the catalyst fully, 100% optimized and brought to the absolute pinnacle of perfection with the substrates I am using it on. And once that is done, begin testing it on others, to see how well it works with various substrates (one being an arylalkyl carbonyl compound), having different substitutions on different positions on the phenyl ring), introducing various different electron-withdrawing and electron donating as well as electronically neutral groups at different regions of the phenyl ring, to see how alterations in electronegativity/electropositivity affect the yields with my catalyst, and how these modifications, such as introducing the likes of nitro, cyano, halogen, trifluoro/difluoromethyl and trifluoro/difluoromethoxy groups, pentafluorosulfanyl and if practical/safe, thiocyanato group and cyanate groups, although I'll need to make sure there is no potential for a compound  which covalently bonds to receptors it binds to, which means that the ligands in question would be irreversible, the compounds permanently bonded to the receptors targeted within the synapse, forcing the body to internalize and destroy them, and grow new ones before their functionality is restored.

Which needless to say, is NOT something I wish to have happen to any of my neurons. Don't know about the rest of you but I like them to work properly, without having any of them acylated, alkylated or get anything else permanently 'glued' on/into them until the receptors affected can be withdrawn inside the cell, destroyed and the brain grow new ones in replacement. Which takes time, and of course, having an entire system inactivated is bound to throw things out of whack, which is something I don't much relish the prospect of.

I like  being normal and completely in whack :autism:

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.