Author Topic: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two  (Read 207162 times)

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6630 on: May 25, 2018, 09:53:04 AM »
Surprisingly, some good actually came of a certain pharmacist being a stuffy, pain in the arse little zealot.

Had to go to hospital the other day after blacking out, falling backwards and bashing my head and neck, hard, on a stone floor. Got a script for some dihydrocodeine (a weakish-to-mid strength painkiller.)

The stupid pharmacist I took it to wouldn't fill it, just because the doctor in the hospital had mispelled a letter in the name of the med (still bloody well obvious what it was) and then corrected it, so I had to, even after having the pharmacist phone them up and verify the details and that they did in fact write the script. Had the fucking cheek to accuse me of prescription fraud, even after the doctor confirmed that he'd written it!

So I ended up having to go back to the hospital and get another script. Filled it, but, as it would happen,
I got left with the original form. Took it to another pharmacy today, and the owner wasn't an overzealous prick, and they filled it without problems. So because of the first pharmacy owner being a snotty little tossweasel, I actually managed to get the script twice over instead of once, meaning I got 112 tablets instead of 56. Which suits me just fine, considering I actually needed gram+ weights of dihydrocodeine for a special little project of mine.

Not fraud, of course, since I was actually given a second script, with the first one being valid, just the pharmacist in that particular place being up his own arse hole and refusing to fill it because of the corrected spelling error (and despite doctors and their notorious handwriting, the damn thing was perfectly readable with the first one), and with the place I took that to accepting it no problem, not bad, getting a two for one bonus lot :)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6631 on: May 25, 2018, 02:13:45 PM »
It actually wasn't a good thing, just a funny yet tragic coincidence for a pair of Squirrels who were found dead on my parent's front porch.

Main reason why, They were Yoshi's hunting prizes -_-

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6632 on: May 25, 2018, 02:30:20 PM »
Are those full grown squirrells?

If so, what is Yoshi? A Lynx?

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6633 on: May 25, 2018, 06:12:05 PM »

Well, it is a mix of good and bad.

Anyone ever heard of Noblesville, Indiana?

Today a shooter came into a Middle School in central Indiana with two guns and started shooting in the class of a heroic science teacher. This guy, Heroic Science Teacher, managed to knock the weapons out of the "Seventh Grade"  (FFS!!) shooter's hands, taking three shots himself but managed to still subdue the llittle bastard, probably saving many lives and injuries.
He is OK, Bad kid is in custody, one thirteen year old girl is in critical condition. Not sure if this will make national news, since no one died, but it really should.

Lots more to say but I am tired from being in the sun all day.
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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6634 on: May 25, 2018, 07:35:09 PM »
Bought some good stuff at tag sales including 6 Snap-on wrenches for a quarter each, a bunch of hatchets and a Zenith Transoceanic radio which was in rough  shape but still good
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6635 on: May 25, 2018, 09:29:46 PM »
Well, it is a mix of good and bad.

Anyone ever heard of Noblesville, Indiana?

Today a shooter came into a Middle School in central Indiana with two guns and started shooting in the class of a heroic science teacher. This guy, Heroic Science Teacher, managed to knock the weapons out of the "Seventh Grade"  (FFS!!) shooter's hands, taking three shots himself but managed to still subdue the llittle bastard, probably saving many lives and injuries.
He is OK, Bad kid is in custody, one thirteen year old girl is in critical condition. Not sure if this will make national news, since no one died, but it really should.

Lots more to say but I am tired from being in the sun all day.

I used to live within a couple hours of there.

I was at a dinner with some Canucks recently and the topic came up of arming teachers in schools. The group was horrified at this inconceivable possibility. One woman, a high school teacher herself, said she would sooner walk out of her job than be armed, and the others at the table vehemently agreed with her. I asked her why, with my best attempt at zero inflection, and her mouth dropped open that such a question could even be voiced. Finally when she found words, she said the students would feel completely unsafe if teachers had guns.


To save the situation I had to say that I had spent considerable time in the USA around gun culture. I wasn't sure how to begin to explain that it might feel safer if teachers did carry.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6636 on: May 26, 2018, 03:33:07 AM »
I'm back home. Woot.
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- Albert Einstein

Offline Jack

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6637 on: May 26, 2018, 01:11:10 PM »
Congrats Jack!
Thanks. Not sure what to make of it yet.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6638 on: May 26, 2018, 08:17:59 PM »
Well, it is a mix of good and bad.

Anyone ever heard of Noblesville, Indiana?

Today a shooter came into a Middle School in central Indiana with two guns and started shooting in the class of a heroic science teacher. This guy, Heroic Science Teacher, managed to knock the weapons out of the "Seventh Grade"  (FFS!!) shooter's hands, taking three shots himself but managed to still subdue the llittle bastard, probably saving many lives and injuries.
He is OK, Bad kid is in custody, one thirteen year old girl is in critical condition. Not sure if this will make national news, since no one died, but it really should.

Lots more to say but I am tired from being in the sun all day.

I used to live within a couple hours of there.

I was at a dinner with some Canucks recently and the topic came up of arming teachers in schools. The group was horrified at this inconceivable possibility. One woman, a high school teacher herself, said she would sooner walk out of her job than be armed, and the others at the table vehemently agreed with her. I asked her why, with my best attempt at zero inflection, and her mouth dropped open that such a question could even be voiced. Finally when she found words, she said the students would feel completely unsafe if teachers had guns.


To save the situation I had to say that I had spent considerable time in the USA around gun culture. I wasn't sure how to begin to explain that it might feel safer if teachers did carry.

Our governor was flying home on the first ever direct flight from Paris to Indianapolis when he received some sort of in flight notification that his landing will not be about all happy, all good, international hand shake and stuff, but one of his major (peaceful) central counties (One country north of the state capitol) has suffered the same as dozens of other places in this country.

No more happy times, you now have to land and address a state that has just "entered"  into teh modern times.
The song from R.E.M. comes to mind:

Sorry about the advertisement

Without trying to put too fine of a point on it all, my daughter still goes to the High School where they moved all the middle school kids in order to secure the Middle School. As the day developed, there was also a threat of a shooter at the high school and the entire district went to what we call a "Code Red"  meaning active shooter situation, somewhere.

These kids went into "defense mode"  and barricaded the classroom doors, turned off all the lights, hid in closets, etc, etc.   ...

I am impressed with the readiness of this school district. I had heard a bit about this readiness prep. This place was "almost" ready for something like this, even though no one ever expected this to happen here.

Then the "hero school teacher"  jumped into service to help protect his students.

I feel bad for this teacher. He just reacted and got shoot three times but the press has turned him into a kind of hero. Yes he is a kind of hero, but apparently does not want to be thought of that way.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 08:26:46 PM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6639 on: May 26, 2018, 08:34:26 PM »
Well, it is a mix of good and bad.

Anyone ever heard of Noblesville, Indiana?

Today a shooter came into a Middle School in central Indiana with two guns and started shooting in the class of a heroic science teacher. This guy, Heroic Science Teacher, managed to knock the weapons out of the "Seventh Grade"  (FFS!!) shooter's hands, taking three shots himself but managed to still subdue the llittle bastard, probably saving many lives and injuries.
He is OK, Bad kid is in custody, one thirteen year old girl is in critical condition. Not sure if this will make national news, since no one died, but it really should.

Lots more to say but I am tired from being in the sun all day.

I used to live within a couple hours of there.

I was at a dinner with some Canucks recently and the topic came up of arming teachers in schools. The group was horrified at this inconceivable possibility. One woman, a high school teacher herself, said she would sooner walk out of her job than be armed, and the others at the table vehemently agreed with her. I asked her why, with my best attempt at zero inflection, and her mouth dropped open that such a question could even be voiced. Finally when she found words, she said the students would feel completely unsafe if teachers had guns.


To save the situation I had to say that I had spent considerable time in the USA around gun culture. I wasn't sure how to begin to explain that it might feel safer if teachers did carry.

Not sure where this discussion is going, but  (the big part, not yours and mine)  obviously teachers have carried weapons in the past. Kids felt safe. Kids WERE safer than today. No one wants to shoot another human being, let alone a child, but to save other lives put in danger by a child with a weapon or make it two weapons in this particular case? Many questions yet to be answered.

If you lived in Florida, you were around a mass of very safe (compared to what it could be if the average citizen was not armed) and peace loving, gun totin' folk.

Due to geography, this is a dangerous land. Do not approach without being prepared.  It is like rain in the forecast, bring an umbrella or a damn good hat.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 08:58:27 PM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6640 on: May 26, 2018, 09:40:52 PM »
Wasn't really trying to guide a discussion anywhere, just say what was on my mind.

Glad to hear that the schools in the area did well on their readiness preparation.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Genesis

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6641 on: May 26, 2018, 09:58:45 PM »
Are those full grown squirrells?

If so, what is Yoshi? A Lynx?

No he is a 1 year old Brown Tabby.

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Offline Trigger 11

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6642 on: May 27, 2018, 06:26:21 PM »
 Nothng so far.
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
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Homicide would break me
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Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems

Offline Lestat

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6643 on: May 28, 2018, 06:38:52 AM »
Due to its being a bank holiday, I ended up getting my meds several hours later than I usually would have. I lucked out though, in not getting sick, after the stupid fucks at the doctors surgery I went to forced me to have the rx post-dated for today, not allowing me to pick them up in advance on friday to ensure I wouldn't end up ill because of it. Assholes wouldn't alter it, which IMO just isn't right of them. Pricks.

But I lucked out, as, even though my usual supplier couldn't get me any methadone this week,  I'd fallen and smashed the back of my skull and my spine on a stone floor, hard, just blacked out due to low blood pressure and fallen backwards onto my head and neck, went to the ER due to the location of the impact and the fact I was unable to turn my head, to ensure nothing was broken. Was only hoping for an X-ray or CT scan (they did a CT), but they both dosed me with an opioid painkiller while I was sat in the hospital, and then sent me off with a script for a 56-count box of dihydrocodeine 30mg tablets, no paracetamol contamination too, only for the late opening pharmacy to refuse to fill it because the doctor prescribing in the hospital had mispelled 'dihydrocodeine' as 'dihydrAcodeine' and then corrected his mistake, signing it etc, and even when the pharmacist had called the hospital, spoken to the doctor and confirmed everything he still had the nerve to accuse me of fraud (the pharmacist did, that is), the cheeky little fuckwit. So I went back and got another copy.

There obviously wasn't anything so wrong with the first script, which I got left with, they didn't ask for it back,  because I took it elsewhere, after getting the new rx, a couple of days later, and got a second box of 56x30mg DHC, the pharmacist at the other place didn't have an obsessive-compulsive anal streak and filled it without question. So I essentially got two boxes for one intended issuing of the script. Worked for me, since it prevented me from going into withdrawal due to the bank holiday opening delay. I would have preferred it had I been able to get some methadone as I usually do to tide me over the weekend what with the doc surgery giving me a pain med script that is a couple of days insufficient to serve me a full seven day plus another 8 hours during the night, but, as it happened, I was kept from being ill with a withdrawal forced on me because of the doctors stubbornness and the stick she keeps sideways up her arse, using some of the dihydrocodeine to stave off withdrawal, whilst I just went to sleep, knocked out with tizanidine, a muscle relaxant that works by blocking noradrenaline release; slept in until it was time to pick the meds up.

Also, got  two free 'frijj' thick milkshakes, one cookie dough and one fudge brownie flavoured one, plus three free pepperoni pizzas. Not going to complain.

Also, whilst I was expecting the doctor surgery to have fucked things up given their track record of fuckups and fuckovers, they actually DID fax the prescription through to be picked up this morning. I was actually surprised when the pharmacy filled it and handed the meds over in a bag. Shocked, even. But no, they actually did what they were supposed to without buggering everything up, not counting their refusal to not post-date the script for pickup last friday. Wouldn't have been pleasant at all, had I not had the extra 'double' prescription for the dihydrocodeine after keeping the original form from when I cracked my head on the floor though, what with my methadone contact not having any spare for sale.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Trigger 11

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6644 on: May 28, 2018, 11:00:24 PM »
Finished preparing a draft presentation.
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems