Also, well done my weebly weeblesome friend

And oooohhh goodie. I just looked in the fridge and there was a second lemon meringue cheesecake bake in the food-fridge (there are two fridges in the house, one for food, and the occasional nontoxic this and that that needs to cool temporarily, the other for storing all my volatile solvents, and nasty ass stuff like iodine monochloride, acetonitrile (methyl cyanide), bromine, and other toxic and or corrosive (or both) items, that need keeping cold like my iodine (it may be a solid, but like the other halogens is a highly reactive element and also quite volatile, over time. The first time I ever encountered it in the pure elemental state was after my first spesh school did the one and ONLY chemistry demo in my entire time at the school, a miserable dropping of tincture of iodine onto a potato to make the starch turn blue-black. And the teacher kept it right the other end of the classroom away and let us nowhere near it, So I raised as much money as possible that day after getting home and bought up as much of the stuff as possible, spent all night carefully fractionally distilling it ending up with a gram or two of iodine as the pure, resublimed element in tiny little fluff-like crystals.
Pleased as hell with myself, couldn't wait to get home the next day and start experimenting, only to be fucking gutted to find out how volatile it was and that it had quite literally evaporated into thin air, not more than a brown stain left where it had formerly sat. After all the non-school part of the day, all evening and all night w/o sleep fractionally distilling the stuff until I actually had sat in front of me some highly pure, re-sublimated I2 and expected it to just stay there. And as I know now, now iodine is a bugger of an escape artist so my iodine always stays in the fridge unless it is actually being used.