I want snow on Xmas day. 
It snowed on Christmas Day in New Orleans. Next August, Hurricane Katrina hit. I think I'll pass. Or else move if it snows on that day,
An odd correlation. Were you affected badly by Katrina?
Thankfully, no. The parish didn't open for 4 weeks after the storm. When we got home the water had only come half-way up our lawn, nothing blown about in the carport, no damage to the house. When we got back the ice cubes in the freezer hadn't melted, so we had power most of the time.
The poor cats, however, were fortunately (or unfortunately) locked outside the house. If they'd been in there, they would probably not have made it. We weren't planning on being gone that long and hadn't left that much water. They turned semi-feral and PA wouldn't let them back in the house.
For another 3 weeks or so, it was sort of living in a war zone or near a military base. Helicopters, MRE's, soldiers about. Quite different.