Crush boi bought me pizza for lunch 
Details, please. (About the pizza, not Crush Boi)
One was loaded meatlovers, the other was lamb & bacon (I think), and the third was chicken and camembert.
That's some gourmet deliciousness right there!

the line for leftovers begins behind me.
My wife made a really awesome "stuffed/rolled meatloaf" the other day. It was an incredibly successful experiment. She was introduced to the recipe from watching something on Food Network.
You basically make your favorite standard flavored meatloaf, but instead of loafing it just yet, you press it out gently and cover the whole thing with various cheeses (she used small chunks of Parmesan, ricotta, mozzarella and asiago), then roll it together and form a loaf that fits into your loaf pan. This makes a really pretty spiral of cheese inside the meatloaf when it is done.
Just before you place the loaf into the pan, you line the pan with a pound of bacon, leaving the ends hanging over so that once the loaf is placed in the pan, the bacon can be looped over, covering the entire meatloaf.
It was amazing!
I did not expect leftovers, but it is so rich, you could only eat so much. There were leftovers, but not any more; they went quick.