"didn't get exorcised" or some shit.

Spoopy ghost me
makes posts on the internet and tickles people. Scary robot me is basically Hitler
and current me is a cross between the 11th Doctor, Hodor from Game of Thrones, a really tall Leprechaun and Raj from The Big Bang Theory.
For the sake of argument, we'll name current me the super duper autism one. 
Scary robot me has a name too, so that makes complete sense to freaky gopher me. 
The best way to solve this is a Doctor Who episode where the two possible future mes travel back in time, with the Scary robot me using Skynet technology and the Spoopy Ghost me using Spoopy Ghost powers and each one is trying to make sure that I get to that future...Or some shit.
Hey, it'd be a better episode than In the Forest of the Night. That was the worst episode in series 8, which in itself wasn't a very good season at all.
Series 9 on the other hand...Bugger me sideways. What a great season:
I do not like the new doctor. I watched about three episodes and I was completely put off by him. David Tenant was awesome and Matt Smith was great. Clara is good. Rory is the Man and Riversong is my waifu.
Season eight is what put a lot of people off Capaldi's Doctor. Many have dubbed season eight "The Clara Oswald show" as all of the focus was on her, with The Doctor taking a backseat to, well his own show. As a result of this a lot of people wrote him in different ways depending on the episode as Clara was the focus. In some of these episodes he behaved a bit like a prick.
He shines a lot more in season 9 as the balance between Doctor and companion is restored. I went from disliking, or even hating Clara to actually liking her as a character. As well as The Doctor himself, of course.