I made it out of Walmart alive. 
Some strange dude kept running into me near the Christmas stuff...an older woman gave me a death glare for a good 5 minutes, not sure what that was about...another was swigging out of a huge bottle of grape juice in the pasta aisle...and the door greeter looked like she just wanted someone to shoot her and put her our of her misery.
You can tell the holidays are approaching.
Hopefully I'm stocked up enough where I only have to run out to get the bare essentials.
Am weird about shopping online, but have done all holiday shopping for the last few years. It's wonderful; may never turn back.
My wife, who I love dearly (do not mistake my attempt at typing), did not even know what "online" meant, let alone try to get her to go there/here not that long ago.
I bought her a Microsoft Surface Pro tablet for Christmas a couple of years ago and she finally got used to it. Now she orders shit every week, including shoes, underwear, t-shirts, coats, school supplies, etc. Everything you can imagine!
I ask her sometimes when I see her intently working with her tablet, "What are you doing?"
She says, "Just doing some window shopping."
My point: even a dinosaur can do online shopping, if presented with proper tools.