Not that many WWII veterans left alive, you know.
Not today or last night, but the night before, a living, over one hundred year old WWII veteran arrived at the air port while my wife was there to pick up some UPS International Air packages. An announcement came over the public address system to call everyone's attention to the fact that an OLD WWII vet was entering the building and the announcement immediately started an impromptu cheering line for him.
I think they thought this might just be a few dozen people, but it turned out to be a more important thing for those traveling than had been expected.
Within minutes the entire walkway and then the lobby, basically the entire airport was filled with people on every wall clapping and cheering for this aged hero in travel. My wife stayed as long as she could, but he was slowed by the crowd and the airline ended up holding the plane for him.
My wife said when she left the airport she was barely holding back tears and finding it difficult to breathe, she was so moved emotionally.