I had a really nice walker with a seat and big wheels that I got from the thrift store for $16. Today while we were out some thieves stole it from where it was locked up near our house. My fault for not locking it to the pole instead of the links. Now we know not to leave anything outside, locked or not.
The good thing is that it was locked with the bike lock I used in Florida for years with no issues. So the lesson cost me $16 instead of the $435 that I spent on the bike. Going to buy a better lock for here.
Karma's going to get the thieves. If they'd waited they could have had it from the thrift store because I was thinking of donating it.
And people say I'm an optimist.

A walker signifies a physically handicapped person, and to me first brings to mind an elderly handicapped person, and you live around people who would steal a freaking walker.

I'm glad you don't actually need the walker.
Now we know not to leave anything outside, locked or not.
Going to buy a better lock for here.
Are you going to lock your bike outside with a better lock?