My ex and I kept several cats. All foundlings.
The one thing you really need to know in advance is:
Your cat will always puke on the living room carpet just before your guests ring the doorbell. And she will always compete with any other crisis in your life, by suddenly becoming very ill and needing the vet right now.
Aside from that, they are a doddle to care for.
Good luck !
Omg, cat sick is the worst to clear up, it smells so utterly vile.
Any tips on best ways to clean it up, lol ?
Depends on the cat how often they'll get sick, and how bad it is. One of mine does it once a year or less, but it takes time to clean up, when he does and it is gross. The other throws up her food if she ate too fast or ate mice, about every fortnight. It is like a dry sausage, smelling of catfood, with the occasional mouse in it, nothing else, and can be picked up with a tissue. Neighbour cat that used to visit left residue behind daily, slime with grass. No smell, but yucky. Easy to clean.
Quite a few cats like to take care of their human too.
My female cat defends my daughter when we mockfight. She comes up, stares at us, and then slaps me to tell me off.
She is