I woke up last night in the early AM, about 3-3:30, feeling parched and with my stomach growling as though it were feeding time at pet's corner, perdition franchise; and went downstairs to see what was to be had.
Laid myself on a veritable feast, 4/5ths of a roast chicken, cold from the fridge, as I prefer it to be cooled right down before I eat them, slathered in some fiery hot habanero sauce, followed by half of one of those big bake-at-home tesco apple pies with double cream, both poured over the pie, then once that was done, I ate the entire rest of the pot, finished that off, then padded out the gaps in the corners of my insides with some of the contents of a vast bag of 'jelly belly' brand jellybeans, the fancy (and pricy) ones that have all the really good different flavors, just to squeeze out any little gaps in my GI system that might have been hiding

Before doing anything more than starting with a little nibble at a slice or two of the unfortunate chicken's tits, given an emergency double mastectomy, with chilli on top, I decided to scurry back up to my room and fetch both bong, and something to put in it, for the main reason of inducing the munchies, which I find aside than merely giving me an appetite (which mind you I already had one hell of a big one at the time), hitting the green stuff makes everything eaten finer to savour, makes otherwise poor, meager fare, although tonight's was certainly not, taste good, and turns good hearty nosh REALLY good and a treat for the senses.
Hit up a quick shot of morphine sulfate, seasoned with a bit, just a little, oxy-10mg and no more until I finished eating, and 100mg cyclizine added to the shot (its a sedating antihistamine, with very considerable efficacy against nausea), just to make sure my stomach didn't end up merely having the promise of such a large pile of grub waved in front of its eyes and then thrown back up

Got back downstairs w/the first of my bongs to come to hand, torched my bowl, and just before starting my little 3am feast realized I needed a drink, so I checked the fridge and found that I had one last lonesome bottle of ice-cold 'dead crow' bourbon beer from the crate I bought the other day. I was only expecting a choice of either milk or orange squash, so needless to say I was most pleased.
Mmmmm. I feel all sleepy and relaxed now, esp. after getting back upstairs and mixing another 60mg/10/100 morphine, oxy, and cyclizine respectively, along with remembering to take my clonidine, and that there is indeed a sedative I CAN take, in lieu of my chlormethiazole rx (which has a specific potentiating and duration-lengthening effect upon coadministration of alcohol that goes above and beyond the usual ordinary additive effect of depressant with another depressant agent, which can be quite dangerous if not done carefully, if the two are to be consumed together.)
I just remembered now that I have my choice of a couple of different benzos, (a benzodiazepine and thienodiazepine technically speaking, actually), squirreled away 'for a rainy day' as the expression goes. a baggie of etizolam (the thienodiazepine, a little reminiscent of the AP drug olanzapine, but a GABAergic sedative as many other benzos are rather than a nasty, horrid dopamine D2 receptor antagonist, and stashed away likewise, a good few pyrazolam tablets. Both legal in the UK, as for the pyrazolam, its one of the triazolo-benzodiazepines, related most closely to alprazolam/xanax and halcion/triazolam. Mostly the triazolos are fuckoff potent but very short acting but pyrazolam has the best of both worlds, retaining the heavy duty work capacity of alprazolam and the like, but with a decently respectable duration of action.
I like to keep those around for nights just such as this, after I've had alcohol, or consumed more opioids than I would be comfortable with taking my chlormethiazole script with, and/or as part of my comedown first aid supplies for bringing any lingering overstimulation from my occasional stimulant use, or for after I've finished up with some or other variety of psychedelic and want to reliably and quickly induce a good restoring deep sleep.
Hmm....where the deuce that food all GO? I think I might just go back downstairs, take that chickens leftovers out of the fridge and rip its motherfucking legs off.