Morphine (180mg, sulfate salt) and oxycodone (HCl, 30-40mg) are just about to happen to my veins. My excuse is they are thirsty, and with this fucking horrid heatwave we have been enduring lately here, its just an additional way to add a little extra H2O in one's diet

*sighs with pleasure* mmmmmhhhhhhh that feels gooood.
Huh...? (later still) Hmph.
It now appears to be nearly 1AM on wednesday.
I LIKE the now-properly-added update to my refill types on file at the docs!
gone from 60mg XR morphine sulfate tablets twice daily (plus an extra 10mg capsule of XR morphine and the same of oxy IR per dose) back down to twice that number of 30mg ones, and at my req., now in capsule form.
Gives me some flexibility, having twice the number of 30s (4xdaily) than just twice 60, easier to determine when to take it, sometimes I won't need it all, or need a bit more on one day, or part of a day, and just compensate by using less over a further day or two, the 10mg morphine XRs are handy for really fine-tuning it all.
The capsules, the kind with a load of minute little beads, sort of like dextroamphetamine capsules, and they are wonderful. FAR less binder and filler material, almost bugger all, easy to grind to powder, and they do not gel whilst being filtered. Which translates to better for the vascular system and not so damn murderous to filter cartridges, using an 0.2 micron filter on the tablet form, ESPECIALLY those fucking awful 60s just gets it clogged instantly, like trying to filter a mixture of wallpaper paste (and/or partially fossilized loogie), they had to be prefiltered through cigarette filters for making rollups, and even then it takes about 3-5 of the buggers just for one handful of ground pills. and they still weren't all that friendly to my ultrafine filter cartridges either.
And to boot, the actual extraction (I mean just with water/saline amps rather than referring to solvent extractions in this case) perform so much more effectively. I JUST woke up a few minutes ago from my last shot after I nodded off at the computer

and I still have half the last shot ready to mix up and poke that I ground&added some IR oxy to ready for later. IF I even want it.
That the microsphere capsules are so much more ready and willing to part with their precious and tasty contents is just plainly evident. Less gloopy plastic waste too (if any) when it comes to setting up a blind date for the things with the appropriate solvents and other stuff:)