And they wouldn't hear an abnormally fat guy get stuck in the chimney? Yeah, right.
Perhaps he opens the flue with a pointed stick, or he covers himself with lard in order to slide down. 
Didn't we already have this discussion? 
With lard he would sizzle nicely, if the fire was still on. Slow roast in the chimney. Dripping fat in the fire. Huge breakfast.
Throw another reindeer on the hearth, in case of many guests. And don't forget to serve the drinks of the sponsor, Coca Cola.
That assumes that the homeowners start fires in their fireplaces despite knowing that Santa will be coming. 
Responsible home owners will keep their house at a minimum temperature in winter, to keep the pipes from freezing. 
If you heat your home with fireplaces, you probably have more than one. Just leave one unlit, and Santa can come through the chimney with no smoke. 
Our St Nic has kept up with the changes. In houses without a fireplace, with central heating, kids often place their shoes in the hall, close to the door.
At "pakjesavond" he either knocks on the window, to let you know a bag full of presents is standing in front of the door, or he comes to bring them personally. And he makes poems, for the recipients. Custom made poetry. Nothing beats that.